Prof. Dr. Khalid Abdoun earned his Ph.D. in Veterinary Physiology from Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany in 2001. He has been awarded Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship during the period 2005-2007. He has been promoted to the status of Professor of Animal Physiology at the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Khartoum. He is specialized in ruminant's physiology. His research interest is nutritional and environmental physiology. His current research projects focus on thermoregulation and adaptation of farm animals to arid hot climates; in addition to the suitable nutritional and environmental approaches to mitigate the adverse effects of heat stress to promote production performance of farm animals raised under hot and arid environments. He is a member of many local and international scientific and professional associations and actively participated in many international scientific conferences in the field of Animal Physiology and Nutrition. He published more than 70 research and review articles in well reputed regional and international journals.
It is my pleasure to introduce you to my academic and research activities at King Saud University.
Aim of study: To investigate the direct effect of heat stress on rumen fermentation characteristics and nutrients degradability of pair-fed rams to subsequently eliminate the…
Hassan S. Mohamed-Ali (Mohamed-Ali, HS), Khalid A. Abdoun (Abdoun, KA), Emad M. Samara (Samara, EM), Mohamed A. Al-Badwi (Al-Badwi, MA), Aly B. Okab (Okab, AB) and Ahmed A. Al-Haidary (Al-Haidary, AA)
Background: Molasses is a potential energy supplement; extensively used to improve growth performance, milk
and meat characteristics in goats at relatively low concentrations…
Osman A. Osman, Nawal M. Elkhair and Khalid A. Abdoun
Simple Summary: Feeding a pelleted diet under the prevailing water scarcity in arid regions, coupled
with the low moisture content of that diet, raises the question about the precise level…
Yusuf A. Adeniji , Musafau O. Sanni , Khalid A. Abdoun *, Emad M. Samara, Mohamed A. Al-Badwi, Majdi A. Bahadi, Ibrahim A. Alhidary and Ahmed A. Al-Haidary
يهتم هذا المقرر بدراسة التفاعل الجزيئي بين الهرمونات ومستقبلاتها وآلية عمل الهرمونات بالإضافة للتنظيم الهرموني للنمو وخصائص الذبيحة، انتاج الحليب، إنتاج البيض والإستجابة الهرمونية للإجهاد، كما يتم…
يهتم هذا المقرر بدراسة تصنيف الهرمونات وطريقة عملها والتحكم في افراز الهرمونات المختلفة بالإضافة لدراسة أهمية الهرمونات في تنظيم العمليات الأيضية ودورها في دعم عملية النمو وإنتاج الحليب في…
يهدف مقرر الفسيولوجيا العامة تزويد الطلاب بالمعرفة والمهارات الأساسية المتعلقة بالتركيب والعمليات الوظيفية لأنظمة الجسم الرئيسية لحيوانات المزرعة ووصف دور هذه الأنظمة في عملية الإنتاج.…