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خليل عبدالرازق خليل عبدالموجود



كلية الهندسة
Building No. 3 Room No. 2C49


Catalog Data: ME 254  Materials Engineering                                             4 (3,1,2)
 Introduction to materials engineering; Atomic bonding; Structure and characteristics of metals; polymers and ceramics; Imperfections; Mechanical properties of metals, polymers, ceramics; Equilibrium-phase diagrams; Microstructures of alloys; Heat treatment of plain-carbon steels, cast irons and precipitation hardening; Annealing; Structural Materials.
Number of Credits: 4
Level:  3
Prerequisite by Course: CHEM 101, PHYS 104
Prerequisites by Topic: General Chemistry and Physics.
Textbook: Materials Science and Engineering - An Introduction, W.D. Callister, John Wiley.
Reference: Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, J. F. Shackelford, Prentice Hall.