Professor of animal behavior at the Department of zoology. Published more than 68 scientific research on global and local and Arab magazines. 1. a supervisor on a number of students and graduate students master and PhD. 2. principal investigator for several research projects supported by the King Abdulaziz City for science and technology as well as the national plan of King Saud University. 3. the head of the research group number 240 of animal ethology and neurotoxins at different sessions from scientific research-King Saud University.
4. code of conduct and name of wildlife in the Google
Introduction to animal behaior and types of behavior.
Foragine behavior and different regimes.
physiological Behaioral adaptations.
Animal Behavior and applied pharmacology.…
Definition of behavior, types and importance of behavior. natural selection and behavior. Ecology and adeptness in Birds and Mammals and behavior. Finding a place to live. Foraging for food.…