Herein, we report the Ohmic and Schottky junction (O-S scheme) Ag-r-GO-CuFe2O4-Fe3O4 nanocomposite (Ag-r-
GO-CFO-FO NCs) for effective photocatalytic activity against organic pollutants.…
Balasurya Senthilmurugana, b, Mohammad K. Oklac, Mostafa A. Abdel-Maksoudc, Saud S Al-Amric, Ibrahim A. Alaraidhc, Abdulrahman A. Alatarc, Abdelrahim H. A. Hassand, e, Mohamed S. Sheteiwyf, g, Hamada AbdElgawadh, S. Sudheer Khani, ⁎
Focusing at efficient Cefixime (CEFX) removal, a delicate ultrathin-Bi2WO6 (UBWO) stacked quasi-CoFe2O4
binanosheets (BT) were meticulously designed and integrated with spherical MnWO4 (MWO…
Mohammad K. Oklaa, M. Kalil Rahimanb, Mostafa A. Abdel-Maksouda, Ibrahim A. Alaraidha, Abdulrahman A. Alatara, Saud S. Al-amria, Hamada AbdElgawadc, Mika Sillanpääd,e, S. Sudheer Khanf
Abstract: Coffea arabica, a member of the Rubiaceae family, is the most commercially important species
of the genus Coffea. It has been grown on the mountain terraces of southwestern Saudi…
Khalef Al-Ghamedi 1, Ibrahim Alaraidh 1, Muhammad Afzal 2 , Mosbah Mahdhi 3,4 , Zarraq Al-Faifi 3 , Mohammed D. Y. Oteef 5, Taieb Tounekti 3, Salem S. Alghamdi 2 and Habib Khemira 3,*
مقدمة الخلية النباتية، الأيض، التشريح: الأنسجة، السيقان، الأوراق، الجذور ،العالقات المائية في النبات وأنظمة االمتصاص والنقل، التمثيل الضوئي، الوراثة ودورة الحياة، التصنيف والتطو ، الحزازيات،…