Dr. Hamza started his carrier as a Postdoctoral researcher at Bell Engineering Department, University of Arkansas, USA since January 2008. His major work was microwave and millimeter wave material characterisation of the Radom from the US army. Also some work on millimeter wave antennas and metamaterial. At the end of 2008, he got the French Government CNRS fellowship to do research in Millimeter wave Antenna technology at the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication of Rennes(IETR), University of Rennes1, France. His main focus was to design and develop antennas for various application including high speed WIFI, Automotive radar, Point to point communication , 5G /6G antenna design and aircraft antenna for remote sensing. At the end of 2012, he moved to the department of Electrical Engineering , King Saud University as Assistant Professor. From 2017 to 2022 he was working as Associate Professor. In September 2022 he is promoted to Full Professor. In 2018 June he finished his HDR (Habilitation à diriger des recherches, ") from University of Rennes1, France.
Dr. Hamza is the author of more than 100 research publications in well reputed journals and conferences and 3 book chapter . He is the reviewer of many international Journals including IEEE transaction on antennas and Propagation, IEEE MTT, IEEE AWPL and Guest Editor of International journal of Antennas and propagation, Editorial board member of International journal of Electromagnetics and Applications. His research areas are mainly on the development of high efficient and high gain antennas using different technology for millimeter wave and optical applications.
Master course
Introduction to programming languages and simulation software (2 weeks)
Introduction to electrical engineering system modeling in both time and frequency domain (for…
Wave-guides and cavities; Radiation and antennas; Antenna parameters; dipoles and loop antennas; traveling wave antennas; Aperture and patch antennas; Linear and planar antenna arrays; Basic…