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إبراهيم محمد إبراهيم الحديثي


أستاذ القانون الإداري والدستوري

كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية
كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية، قسم القانون العام، مكتب رقم 2 أ \ 248

Consultative Council Statute


Consultative Council Statute


{ Adopted on: 20 Aug 1993 }
{ ICL Document Status: Oct 1993 }

Chapter 1 Competence of the Chairman, His Deputy and the General Secretary

Article 1
The Chairman of the Council shall supervise all the work of the Council and represent it in its relations with the other quarters and bodies and speak for it.

Article 2
The Chairman of the Council shall chair the sessions of the council and the meetings of the general body, as well as chairing the meetings of the committees which he attends.

Article 3
The Chairman of the Council opens the sessions and declares there ending, announces the start of discussions during them (the sessions), takes part in these discussions, gives permission to speak and decides on the subject of the discussion, draws the attention of the speaker to the need to keep to the subject and to observe the time, ends the discussion and submits issues for votes, he also has the right to take whatever measures he sees fit and sufficient to maintain order during the session.

Article 4
The Chairman can call on the Council or the general body or any committee to hold an emergency session to discuss a certain issue.

Article 5
The Deputy Chairman of the Consultative Council shall assist the Chairman of the Council when he is present and assume his powers when he is absent.

Article 6
The deputy chairman shall chair the sessions of the Council and the meetings of the general body in the absence of the chairman. In the event of their absence, the Council shall be chaired by the person chosen by the King. In chairing those sessions, he shall have the competence of the chairman of the Council.

Article 7
The general secretary of whoever deputizes for him shall attend the sessions of the Council and the meeting of the general body and supervise the writing of the minutes and convey to the members the dates for the sessions and the agenda, in addition to any work handed to him by the Council, the general body, or the chairman of the Council, and he shall be responsible to the chairman for the financial and administrative affairs of the Council.

Chapter 2 The General Body of the Council

Article 8
The general body consists of the chairman of the Council and the chairmen of specialist committees.

Article 9
The meeting of the general body shall not be legal unless attended by at least two-thirds of its members and its resolutions shall be issued with the endorsement of the majority of present members; in the event of a tied vote the chairman shall have the casting vote.

Article 10
Minutes shall be taken for every meeting of the general body noting the date of the meeting, its place, the names of those present and absent, summary of the discussions, the recommendations. The minutes shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting and the present members.

Article 11
The competence of the general body shall be to:
(a) draw up the general plan for the Council and its committees in a way that enables it to accomplish its work and active its objectives;
(b) draw up the agenda for the sessions of the Council;
(c) rule on whatever objections are brought to it by the chairman of the council or the Council to the content of the minutes of the sessions of the results of voting and vote counts, or any other objections which could be raised during the sessions of the Council. Its decision should be final;
(d) issue the necessary rules for the organization of the work of the Council and its committee in a way that does not contravene the statute and regulations of the Council.

Chapter 3 Sessions

Article 12
The Consultative Council shall hold an ordinary session at least once every two weeks. The date and time of the session shall be decided by the chairman of the Council who has the right to bring it forward or to postpone it should the need arise.

Article 13
The agenda shall be distributed to the members prior to the convening of the session. It shall be attached to all relevant documents which the general authority (of the Council) deems necessary to attach to the agenda.

Article 14
Members of the Consultative Council should study the agenda at the Council premises. They are not permitted under any circumstances, to take with them outside the Council and papers, or procedural things, or documents relating to their functions.

Article 15
A member who wishes to speak during the session should request this in writing. Requests for speaking shall be written according to the order they are submitted.

Article 16
The Chairman shall permit those who have requested to speak to do so, taking into account the order in which their requests were submitted and the level of interest regarding the debate.

Article 17
No member shall be allowed to speak on the one subject for more than ten minutes except with the chairman's permission. Speech shall be addressed only to the chairman or the Council, and only the chairman can interrupt the speaker.

Article 18
The Council shall have the right to postpone the discussion of any subject or order it to be r studied; the chairman shall have the right to suspend the session temporarily for not more than one hour.

Article 19
Minutes shall be taken for each session; these minutes shall contain the place where the session was held, its date and the time when it was opened, the name of its chairman, the number of members present and the names of those who are absent, and
the reason for their absence - if any -; a summary of what discussion took place, the number of yes and no votes, the result of the voting, the texts of the decisions, all matters relating to the postponement or the suspension of the session, the time when it ended, and any other matters which the Chairman of the Council shall deem necessary to write down.

Article 20
The Chairman of the Council and the Secretary-General, or whoever is acting on his behalf, shall sign the minutes after they are read in the Council. Any member shall have the right to acquaint himself with it.

Chapter 4 The Committees

Article 21
The Consultative Council shall at the beginning of its term in office set up from among its members the specialized committees necessary for the carrying out of its functions.

Article 22
Each specialized committee shall be composed of members whose number shall be determined by the Council on condition that it shall not be less than five members. The Council shall choose these members and shall nominate from among them a Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the committee. The specialization of the member and the requirements of the committees shall be taken into account in this respect. The Council can setup from among its members special committees to study a specific subject and each committee can set up from among its members, one or more sub-committees to study a specific subject.

Article 23
The Council can re-establish its specialized committees and set up other committees.

Article 24
The chairman of a committee shall administer its function and speak on its behalf before the Council; the vice-chairman shall deputize for him in his absence. In the event of the absence of the chairman and vice chairman the committee shall be chaired by the eldest member.

Article 25
A committee shall meet at the invitation of its chairman or the Council or the Chairman of the Council.

Article 26
The meeting of the committees shall not be held in public; its convening shall not be deemed regular unless at least two thirds of members are present. Each committee shall table its agenda in accordance with the proposal of the chairman. It shall issue its recommendations by the majority of those present; when votes are tied the chairman of the meeting will have the casting vote.

Article 27
Committees shall study all matters referred to it by the Council or Chairman of the Council. When such a matter concerns more than a committee, the chairman of the Council shall determine which committee will be given priority or shall refer the matter to a committee to be set up from among the committees concerned. Such a committee shall meet under the chairmanship of the chairman of the Council or his vice-chairman.

Article 28
Any member of the council can express his opinion on any subject which has been referred to a committee even if he is not
a member of that committee, on condition that he should submit his opinion in writing to the chairman of the council.

Article 29
Each committee meeting shall have its minutes written, with the time and place of the meeting, the names of the attendants and absentees, a resume of discussions and texts of recommendations. The minutes shall be signed by the meeting chairman and by the attending members.

Article 30
On completion of the discussion of a particular topic, the appropriate committee shall write a report including the gist of the topic referred to it, its opinions on it its recommendations and the reasons behind them and the opinion of the minority, where a minority exists.

Chapter 5 Voting and Decision-making

Article 31
Decisions of the Council shall be issued with a majority, as stipulated in Article 16 of the Consultative Council Establishment Act. If there is no majority, the topic shall be re-tabled for a vote at the next session and if there is no majority yet again, the topic shall be referred to the King, accompanied with a study carried out on it and showing the result of the votes in both sessions.

Article 32
Discussing or expressing a new opinion during the vote is not permitted. In all cases the chairman shall cast his vote after the members have cast theirs.

Chapter 6 General Provisions

Article 33
The chairman of the Consultative Council shall turn in an annual report, as stipulated in Article 25 of the Consultative Council Establishment Act, within the first three months of the new year. The report shall include the studies and works carried out in the previous year and shall specify the decisions made and the phases of topic discussions.

Article 34
Financial and personnel affairs of the Council shall be organized according to the financial and personnel affairs regulation. The chairman of the Consultative Council shall issue the rules required for organizing the administrative and financial affairs of the Council, including the organizational structure and tasks of the various administrative bodies attached to the Council, in a way which does not contradict the order and regulations of the Consultative Council.