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Hana Hakami

Assistant Professor

Faculty Member in Zoology Department

كلية العلوم
Girls Campus (Diriyah), Building 5 (College of Science), 3rd floor, Office no. 56

introduction/brief CV


Location: Girls Campus (Diriyah), Building 5 (College of Science), 3rd floor, Office no. 56


- Dec 2020: McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

PhD in Cell Biology - Human Systems Biology Stream, Anatomy and Cell Biology Department,

  Medicine Faculty (total credit of 28)

Thesis: "Fibulin-4 and latent transforming growth factor-β binding protein-4 cell interactions in elastogenesis"

- April 2012: King Saud University (KSU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Master's Degree of Sciences in Molecular Cell Physiology, Zoology (total credit of 37)

Thesis: "The Anti-Cancer Effects of PAC on Molecular Mechanisms in Estrogen Receptor Positive and Negative Breast Cancer Cell lines"

- June 2007: University of Tabuk, Tabouk, Saudi Arabia

Bachelor's degree of Sciences and Education in Biology (total credit of 100)

areas of expertise

- Extracellular Matrix بيولوجيا الأنسجة البينية

- Neurosciences بيولوجيا الخلية السرطانية

- Cardiovascular Biology العلوم العصبية

- Cancer Cell Biology تحليل الجينوم والبروتيوم

- Analysis of genome and proteome بيولوجيا الأوعية الدموية والقلب

- Molecular Cell Physiology and Genetics فسيولوجيا الخلية الجزيئية والوراثة

see all

by Maha H. Daghestani, Mazin H. Daghestani, Pinar T. Ozand, Ahmed R. Al-Himaidi, Mamoon H. Daghestani, Nadia A. Aleisa, Hana H. Hakami, Abdelmoneim Eldali, Ali N. Al-odaib
by Moeenaldeen D Al-Sayed 1 , Hamad Al-Zaidan, Albandary Albakheet, Hana Hakami, Rosan Kenana, Yusra Al-Yafee, Mazhor Al-Dosary, Alya Qari, Tarfa Al-Sheddi, Muhammed Al-Muheiza, Wafa Al-Qubbaj, Yamina Lakmache, Hindi Al-Hindi, Muhammad Ghaziuddin, Dilek Col
by Huda A Al-Howail, Hana A Hakami, Basem Al-Otaibi, Amer Al-Mazrou, Maha H Daghestani, Ibrahim Al-Jammaz, Huda H Al-Khalaf, Abdelilah Aboussekhra

see all


Credits: 1 Total Hours pers term: 30 h (2h/week) Assessment methods:   Lab presence report   Lab reports …


Credits: 1 Total Hours pers term: 30 h (2h/week) Assessment methods:   Lab Presentations  Lab presence  report …


Credits: 1 Total Hours pers term: 28 h (2h/week) Reference: Brooker, R. J., Widmaier, E. P., Graham, L. E. and Stiling, P. D…

office hours

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
from _ 09:00 AM 09:00 AM 09:00 AM 10:00 AM 09:00 AM _
to _ 12:00 PM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM _
location _ My Office (SVP, to be Reserved) My Office (SVP, to be Reserved) My Office My Office My Office My Office My Office (SVP, to be Reserved) My Office (SVP, to be Reserved) My Office (SVP, to be Reserved) My Office (SVP, to be Reserved) _