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د. حصة بنت محمد رشيد العثمان

Assistant Professor

قسم النساء والولادة

كلية الطب
West Building, 3rd floor, Anatomy department
course material

نموذج أسئلة وأجوبة


1)The most accurate diagnostic investigation For ectopic pregnancy:

  1. Pelvic U/S
  2. Endometrial biopsy
  3. Laparoscopy

2) Cause of Polyhydramnios:
a) Renal agenesis
b) Duodenal atresia
c) DI
3) Young girl came with history of full term uterine demise and now she is in 34 weeks. what u will do:

  1. C/S in 38 week
  2. Wait for SVD
  3. Induce labor

4) Total vaginal hysterectomy with anterior & posterior repair the patient complains that urine is come out through vagina, what is the diagnosis?

  1. Uretrovaginal fistula
  2. Vesico vaginal fistula
  3. cystitis


  1. a
  2. b
  3. b
  4. a