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هدى عبدالعزيز الوسيدي

Assistant Professor

Soft Condensed Matter

كلية العلوم
مبنى 5, الدور 3, المكتب 164

342 Phys

Equipartition of energy:  equipartitiontheorem, Brownian motion.

The partition function : Its expression ,the function of state, combining†partition functions.

Statistical mechanics of ideal gases:  Density of states, quantum concentration,

distinguishability, functions of states of ideal gases, Gibbs paradox, heat capacity of a diatomic gas.

Chemical potential definition: grand†partition function, relation to Gibbs function, particle

number conservation.

Photons: radiation pressure, statistical mechanics of a gas of photons, Black-body distribution.

Phonons: the Einstein model, the Debye model.

Overview of real gases: phase†transitions Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions, 

and quantum gases.

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