الرياضيات المتقطعة(المحددة) 153ريض
(Discrete Mathematics (MATH 153
The aim of this course is to introduce some mathematical methods for computer sciences. It gives a theoretical understanding of the following
- Methods of proof
- Proposition calculus and connectives
- Truth tabeles
- Tautologies and contradictions
- Logical equivalence
- Arguments
- Basic set operations
- Representing relations
- Boolean Algebra
- Boolean expressions
- Sum of product form
- Complete sum of product (CPS) of Boolean expression
- Karnaugh maps
- Maximal basic rectangles
- NOT, AND, OR gates
- Simplification of Logic Circuits
- Basic concepts of graph theory
- Trees
توزيع الدرجات:
الاختبار الفصلي :25%
الإختبارات القصيرة: 15%
الواجبات : 10%
المشاركةو العروض : 10%
الاختبار النهائي : 40% .