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غادة بنت عبدالله بن سعد الصالح


عضو هيئة تدريس

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
مبنى 6 , الدور الثاني , مكتب 13

CSC 212 : Data Structures

The main purpose for this course:

To teach the fundamentals of data structures needed in the remainder of the curriculum and develop students’ problem solving and computer programming skills.

Course Description:
Abstract Data Types; Performance Measurement: Time & Space Complexity, Big-O notation. Basic Data Structures: Lists, Stacks, Queues, Priority Queues. Trees: Recursion, Terminology, General Trees, Binary Trees, Balanced Search Trees, AVL Trees. Multi-way Trees: the family of B-Trees. Heaps: Min and Max Heap, HeapSort, Priority Queue as a Heap. Hashing Techniques: Hashing Functions, Collision Resolution Strategies. Graphs: Terminology, Graph Traversal Algorithms, Other important graph algorithms, Sorting.

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