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فاطمه سيف محسن الابراهيم

Assistant Professor


كلية الطب
Department of Orthopedics

introduction/brief CV

Fatimah Alibrahim, MBBS, SBPMR, FRCPC, Ms PH

استاذ مساعد في الطب الطبيعي و اعادة التاهيل، 

الزمالة الكندية في علاج الألم و تأهيل إصابات الحبل الشوكي

ماجستير في الصحة العامة 


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Focuses on teaching the under gradutes the ideal approach to patiens with acute neurosurgical presentations for instance cauda equina, subdural or epidural hematomas, starting with history takng,…


Bed side clinical teaching for students about clinical anatomy of shoulder, elbow, hand, knee and ankle. Physical examination of joints and pathology detection, joint effusion, restricted…