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Dr.Esam Tashkandi د.عصام طاشكندي

Associate Professor <br> Vice Dean for Quality & Dev <br> PROSTHETIC DENTAL SCIENCE(SDS)

course material

Course Description


Course SDS 441




Credit Hours:    3


          1 credit hour:      One hour lecture weekly for one semester.

          2 credit hours:    3 hours clinic weekly for two semesters.

          Sequence:          This course is given to fifth year students.

          Pre-requisite:      SDS 421


Course Objective: This fifth year SDS course is designed to give the student both didactic and clinical experience in the comprehensive management of a variety of cases in Removable Partial and Complete Dentures, emphasis will be placed on overdentures, single dentures, attachments and surveyed crowns.


The didactic component will cover general prosthodontic topics such as pattern and sequelae of edentulism. In addition, concepts of prosthodontic epidemiology and the pre-edentulous state will be reviewed. Clinically applied topics will be introduced on the following subjects:


1.            Attachments

2.           Occlusion

3.           Dental implants and

4.           Maxillofacial prosthetics


Moreover, the course will focus on bringing together fixed and removable prosthodontic concepts learnt to date for the purpose of integrated prosthodontic patient care, hence, the clinical component of SDS 441 and SDS 432 may overlap in patient management simultaneously within the weekly clinical sessions.

Assessment and Evaluation:

          The student must pass both the didactic and the clinical component separately in order to receive a passing grade in the SDS 441 Course.


Final Examination:

·                    The Final Written Examination at the end of didactic component will carry 40% of the total grade. The written examination will include multiple choice questions, short notes and essays.


·                    Clinical and Continuous Assessment:


1.           Clinical Performance:   (30%)

Each student must fulfill the minimum treatment requirements of the course. The quality of treatment of each clinical step provided will be of primary concern in the assignment of the final grade. The clinical evaluation form will be strictly followed for each clinical procedure and graded and signed by the Instructor during the session. Treatment exceeding the minimum requirement will be favorably considered provided that its quality is acceptable. Attitude, personality, honesty and punctuality warrant positive grading and cannot be over emphasized.




2.           Oral and Clinical Exam:   (15%)

The Course Director will randomly select students in each clinical session to conduct an oral and clinical exam on the clinical step to be carried out by the student on that session three times during the course. Therefore, students must be prepared each week to take the exam.


3.           Written Continuous Assessment:   (15%)

A Continuous assessment shall be given in this Course. The assessment will be conducted after the seventh week and it will be in a written exam format.


Clinical Requirements:

The clinical components of courses 441 and 432 will provide the possibility of overlap for the students. The student may schedule the same patient in both clinical sessions if the need arises. A special form that will be signed by course contributors in both courses must be filled. The student will be responsible for obtaining the instructors signatures in both courses. For the requirements of course 441, the student must diagnose and complete the treatment of a minimum of 6 cases that include at least:


·        One overdenture in one arch with metal copings

·        One attachment overdenture or removable partial denture

·        One fixed/removable partial denture with surveyed crowns

·        One complete single denture