أهلا بكم أساتذتى وزملائى وأبنائى الطلاب فى موقعى الشخصى بجامعة الملك سعود، أتمنى أن يساهم هذا الموقع فى تفاعل بناء بيننا جميعا
Welcome you all; my professors, colleagues and my dear students; in my personal website at King Saud University, I hope this website could contribute to build and increase a constructive interaction between all of us.
Organic geochemical methods were performed on four oil seep samples collected from the Abu-Jir Fault Zone (AJFZ) in the Al-Anbar Governorate, western Iraq. These oil seeps have undergone…
Amer Al-Khafajia; Mohammed Hakimi; El-Khedr Ibrahim; Ahmed Najafe; Hussain Al Faifi; Aref Lashin
Wadi Nisah which lies to the south of Riyadh city is an important source of groundwater supply and agricultural production in the central region of Saudi Arabia. Twenty-nine groundwater samples…
Hakeem A. H. Musaed; Abdulaziz M. Al Bassam; Faisal K. Zaidi; Hussain J. Alfaif; Elkhedr Ibrahim
Late Cretaceous Fika Formation shale was collected and analyzed from six wells in northeastern Nigeria’s Chad (Bornu) Basin. The characteristics and the oil and gas-generating potential of the…
Adebanji Kayode Adegoke; Mohammed Hail Hakimi; Wan Hasiah Abdullah; El-Khedr Ibrahim; Babangida M.Sarki Yandoka; Hussain Al Faifi; ArefL ashin
Determination of Geoid from gravity methods. Reference spheroid-absolute gravity observations and gravimeters. The earth’s internal structure-attraction of…
Geophysical Data Processing
Review of Fourier Transforms, Fast Fourier Transforms and time series analysis. Fast Fourier transform application in window functions.…
أسس الجيوفيزياء
دراسة القوانين الفيزيائية والرياضية وعلاقتها بخواص الارض. مبادئ المرونة وخواص الامواج وانتقالها عبر الاوساط سواء الموجة السيزمية الانكسارية او…