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إيمان محمد الحمدان

Assistant Professor

أستاذ مساعد، قسم علوم الاستعاضة السنية

كلية طب الأسنان
Building 10, 2nd floor, office #16

333SDS وصف المقرر

This is a one year course during the Third Year. It is an introductory course to Fixed Prosthodontics. The course represents the orientation phase to the discipline of fixed prosthodontics (FP). It provides a structured framework for the students to learn the scientific basis and the fundamental principles of FP. It prepares the student for the practice of sound clinical FP through a patient simulation phase of mechanical and technical procedures...



 Upon completion of this course, the student will:


Understand the nomenclature and instrumentation used in clinical dentistry.


Develop basic psychomotor skills for clinical dentistry.


Use management and clinical self-evaluation skills in delivering clinical dental care.


Apply basic occlusal function and stability principles to restorative procedures.


Apply factors of biological and mechanical design for the preparation of teeth for extracoronal cast gold, porcelain fused to metal and all ceramic restorations.


Apply factors of biological and mechanical design for complex foundational restorations.

course attachements