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بدر بن سعد بن ذعار القحطاني

Associate Professor

وكيل عمادة البحث العلمي -الأستاذ المشارك بقسم الرياضيات

كلية العلوم
كلية العلوم - قسم الرياضيات 2A178

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Very recently, a new numerical scheme was introduced. The numerical scheme was developed using the Newton polynomial, as it is known to be more accurate than the Lagrange polynomial that was used…

by Alkahtani, BST (Alkahtani, Badr Saad T.)

Based on the Newton polynomial which is accurate than the Lagrange polynomial, a new numerical scheme was introduced very recently by Atangana and Seda. Their method consisted in reverting a…

by Badr Saad T.Alkahtani, Sara SalemAlzaid

A new concept of dynamical system of predator-prey model is presented in this paper. The model takes into account the memory of interaction between the prey and predator due to the inclusion of…

by Alkahtani, Badr Saad T.; Koca, Ilknur

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الخطأ والتقارب, حل المعادالت الغير خطية )التنصيف , نيوتن, معيار الوقوف, تحليل الخطأ ومعدل التقارب, الحلول المكررة, طريقة ايتكن(, حل نظم المعادالت الخطية)طريقة الحذف الجاوسي, التحليل المثلثي,طرق…