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بندر بن عبدالعزيز بن فهد الغميز

Assistant Professor

عضو هيئة التدريس وباحث في مجال اللغويات التطبيقية.

معهد اللغويات العربية
معهد اللغويات العربية، الطابق الثاني، مكتب 2051

تقرير المقرر ,, توزيع المفردات على الفصل ,, و نماذح الاختبارات


This course is an introduction to sociolinguistics, the study of the relationship between language and society. We will look at variation at all levels of language and how such variation constructs and is constructed by identity and culture. An exploration of attitudes and ideologies about these varieties will be of particular importance to understanding this relationship. We will also consider some of the educational, political, and social repercussions of these sociolinguistic facts.



*This schedule is subject to change. For example, we may spend more or less time covering some topics, based in part on your feedback. This means that you can play a role in deciding what is covered in class and in what detail, but it also means that you are responsible for making sure you know what you need to do for each class.


Date Topic Assignment due on first day listed
1/15 Introduction (Wardhaugh Ch 1)
quotations discussed in class
1/22 Language Varieties Wardhaugh Chs 2 & 3
dialects; pidgin or creole? (with in-class & additional notes)
1/29 Codes & Speech Communities Wardhaugh Chs 4 & 5
Observation project topics due
2/5 Speech Communities; Language Variation Kachru & Nelson 1996 (pp. 71-80), Jenkins 2009, Wardhaugh Ch 6, Wolfram & Schilling-Estes 2006
dialect map--old school
dialect maps
2/12 Language Variation & Change Wardhaugh Chs 7 & 8, Snell 2010
2/19 Gender Wardhaugh Ch 13, Cameron 1998
2/26 Linguistic Relativism; Ethnography Wardhaugh Chs 9 & 10
Observation projects due via email; attach Word doc (& Excel xls if needed)

Linguist Geoff Nunberg on swearing
3/5 Solidarity and Politeness; Talk and Action Wardhaugh Ch 11, Wardhaugh Ch 12
differences in speech acts across cultures
Read instructions for language description project (to be emailed); bring any questions you have
Human Subjects Training must be completed
3/12 Disadvantage Wardhaugh Ch 14, Labov 1972, Lippi-Green 2011 (Ch 10)
3/19 Spring break
3/26 Discrimination Lippi-Green 1994, Lippi-Green 1997 (Ch 11), Lindemann 2002
Language description data due
country ratings for in-class discussion
maps & transcripts
4/2 Socio(linguistics) & Education Pennycook 2000, Pavelenko 2004, Lindemann 2011
4/9   Language description projects due
language description assignment with analyzed data
4/16 Language Planning Wardhaugh Ch 15
4/23   Presentations
Requirements & suggestions for presentations, handouts and papers
4/30   Papers due, 11:59 pm


10% Class participation (includes preparation for class based on readings)

30% Observation project

25% Language description project

5% Presentation on final paper topic

30% Final Paper



sample of final exam questions

Answer only TWO of the following questions on your exam sheet.
1.       Is language education an end in itself?
2.       Can we postulate an ideal speaker in sociolinguistics studies?
3.       Patrona (2006:6) maintains that the media are shaped by the wider processes of sociocultural changes, and play a pivotal role in their diffusion.  Does this make the media an agent of change?
Answer only TWO of the following questions on your exam sheet.
1.       Holmes (2000:300) maintains that ‘it seems possible that for men mock-insults and abuse serve the same function – expressing solidarity and maintaining social relationships – as complements and agreeing comments do for women’ Is it possible that women do not use mock-insults and abuse because they are socially “prevented” from doing so?
2.       Why do dialect differences tend to become smaller?
3.       What are the sociolinguistics varieties brought by teachers and students to the language classroom? Is education to reinforce these variations?

Question 4 ( 15 marks) ( 45 minutes)
How does the new sociolinguistic approach make “ se
nse of what had appeared
to be chaotic and unsystematic linguistic variabili
ty” in urban communities?
Please make sure you give enough examples and supporting evidence.
course attachements