General Ophthalmology MCQs with their answers
a- Third cranial nerve
b- Sympathetic nerve fibres
c- Parasympathetic nerve fibres
d- Seventh cranial nerve
a- mucocutaneous junction
b- gray line
c- meibomian gland orifices
d- lash line
a- Glands of Wolfring
b- Zeis glands
c- Glands of Krause
d- Meibomian glands
a- Complete spontaneous resolution with time
b- Conjunctival side of the lesion is reddish or purplish
c- Transformation to malignancy
d- Presentation as nodule in the intermarginal strip
a- lash line
b- line of meibomian gland orifices
c- gray line
d- mucocutaneous junction
a- loss of lashes
b- misdirection of lashes
c- blocked meibomian orifices
d- hypertrophied drooping lid
a- Epiphora is a commom symptom
b- Treatment with tetracyclines for 2 weeks is curative
c- Punctate fluorescein staining of the ocular surface could be present
d- Tear film break up time (TBUT) will be prolonged
a- eyelid neoplasm
b- chronic blepharitis
c- Hansen's disease
d- all of the above
a- squamous blepharitis
b- meibomian seborrhea
c- ulcerative blepharitis
d- meibomianitis
a- is also called as tarsal cyst
b- can result in preseptal cellulitis if untreated
c- heals if the affected lash is pulled out
d- is a non-suppurative inflammation of a Zeis gland
a- distichiasis
b- trichiasis
c- irregular posterior margin
d- All of the above
a- shortening the width of the tarsal plate
b- lateral tarsal strip procedure
c- reattachment of retractors to tarsal plate
d- all of the above
a- Lid laxity is an important causative factor
b- Lateral tarsal strip procedure attaching tarsus to lateral orbital rim is useful in both cases
c- Tearing is a chief symptom
d- Conjunctival spindle excision below the punctum can help mild cases
a- chalazion treatment
b- burns
c- trauma
d- eyelid skin incision
a- ankyloblepharon
b- involutional ectropion
c- lagophthalmos VII nerve palsy (Bell's palsy)e
d- spastic entropion of upper lid
a- Ocular bandaging
b- Chronic blepharitis
c- Stevens-Johnson syndrome
d- All of the above
a- lid can be drawn away by more than 10 mm from the globe
b- the punctum is visible only when the lid is pulled down
c- pulling the lower lid laterally causes medial canthus displacement more than 4 mm
d- the lid does not snap back immediately when drawn away from the globe and released
a- Blepharospasm
b- Severe ectropion
c- Spastic entropion
d- Lagophthalmos
a- The capsnlopalpebral fascia acts as the lower lid retractor
b- The tarsal plate is attached to the bony orbit via taut canthal ligaments
c- The pretarsal orbicularis has firm connections with the tarsus
d- All of the above
B. Cicartricial entopion
C. Spastic entopion
D. Ulcerative blepharitis
A. Blepharitis
B. Conjunctivitis
C. Keratitis
D. Hordeolum
a- Hordeolum involves the meibomian glands whereas Styes and Chalazions do not.
a- True
b- False
a- Aponeurotic
b- Neurogenic
c- Traumatic
d- Myogenic
a- adduction
b- abduction
c- supraduction
d- infraduction
a- True
b- False
a- Ptosis of moderate to severe degree may be seen
b- The miotic pupil constricts to light
c- Loss of accomodation is seen in the case of third order neuronal lesions
d- The near reflex is absent in the miotic pupil
a- intracranial aneurysm
b- diabetes mellitus
c- hypertensin
d- all of the above
a- down & in
b- up & in
c- down & out
d- up & out
a- will have a chin up head position
b- will benefit from bilateral frontalis suspension procedure
c- is likely to have amblyopia
d- All of the above are true
a- ptosis with deep sulcus and lid drop in down gaze
b- ptosis with pupil sparing III nerve palsy in a 50 year old diabetic
c- ptosis due to isolated third nerve palsy following old closed head injury
d- ptosis which increases by evening
a- True
b- False
a- True
b- False
a- horizontally elongated palpebral aperture
b- bilateral ptosis
c- epicanthus
d- all of the above
a- It commences during puberty
b- It results in pseudoptosis
c- Blepharoplasty can correct the disorder
d- There is redundant skin around the eye lids
a- senile
b- paralytic
c- congenital
d- None of the above
a- Spastic entropion
b- Senile entropion
c- Paralytic entropion
d- Cicatricial entropion
a- facial nerve palsy
b- proptosis
c- cicatricial ectropion
d- third nerve paralysis
a- Spastic ectropion
b- Senile ectropion
c- Paralytic ectropion
d- Cicatricial ectropion
a- Superior oblique muscle
b- Levator palpebrae muscle
c- Inferior oblique muscle
d- Medial rectus muscle
2- D
3- B
4- B
5- C
6- D
7- C
8- D
9- C
10- A
11- D
12- C
13- D
14- A
15- C
16- A
17- D
18- B
19- D
20- D
21- D
22- C
23- A
24- D
25- C
26- B
27- B
28- A
29- C
30- A
31- D
32- B
33- A
34- A
35- A
36- D
37- C
38- D
39- D
40- A
a- madarosis
b- conjunctival scarring
c- dry eye
d- corneal ulcer
a- follicular conjunctivitis
b- Taranta‘s spots
c- Herbert‘s pits
d- conjunctival scarring
a- bulbar spring catarrh
b- episcleritis
c- vascular pterygium
d- phlyctenular conjunctivitis
a- Exposure to infra-red rays
b- Exposure to ultra-violet rays
c- Exposure to ionic radiation
d- Exposure to an allergen
a- spring catarrh
b- long use of pilocarpine
c- active trachoma
d- viral conjunctivitis
a- Arlet‘s line
b- Herbert‘s pits
c- follicles and papillae
d- Post-trachomatous degenerations
a- hot fomentation
b- cold fomentation
c- lead acetate fomentation
d- boric acid lotion