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General Ophthalmology MCQs with their answers

Q1. Superior tarsal muscle (Muller's muscle) is supplied by the :
a- Third cranial nerve
b- Sympathetic nerve fibres
c- Parasympathetic nerve fibres
d- Seventh cranial nerve


Q2. The anterior most structure in the eyelid margin is the :
a- mucocutaneous junction
b- gray line
c- meibomian gland orifices
d- lash line


Q3. The anterior lamella of eyelid contains :
a- Glands of Wolfring
b- Zeis glands
c- Glands of Krause
d- Meibomian glands


Q4. Which of these is a common occurence with chalazia :
a- Complete spontaneous resolution with time
b- Conjunctival side of the lesion is reddish or purplish
c- Transformation to malignancy
d- Presentation as nodule in the intermarginal strip

Q5. The anterior and posterior lamellae of the lid can be separated at the level of the lid margin by the :
a- lash line
b- line of meibomian gland orifices
c- gray line
d- mucocutaneous junction


Q6. Tylosis refers to :
a- loss of lashes
b- misdirection of lashes
c- blocked meibomian orifices
d- hypertrophied drooping lid


Q7. Digital pressure on the lid margin leads to a pasty discharge from the meibomian gland orifices. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding this patient :
a- Epiphora is a commom symptom
b- Treatment with tetracyclines for 2 weeks is curative
c- Punctate fluorescein staining of the ocular surface could be present
d- Tear film break up time (TBUT) will be prolonged

Q8. Madarosis may be seen in :
a- eyelid neoplasm
b- chronic blepharitis
c- Hansen's disease
d- all of the above


Q9. Fibrin collarette around the base of the eyelashes in children is due to :
a- squamous blepharitis
b- meibomian seborrhea
c- ulcerative blepharitis
d- meibomianitis


Q10. Chalazion :
a- is also called as tarsal cyst
b- can result in preseptal cellulitis if untreated
c- heals if the affected lash is pulled out
d- is a non-suppurative inflammation of a Zeis gland

Q11. Lid findings in Stevens Johnson syndrome includes :
a- distichiasis
b- trichiasis
c- irregular posterior margin
d- All of the above

Q12. The vertical tautness of the lid can be restored in involutional entropion by :
a- shortening the width of the tarsal plate
b- lateral tarsal strip procedure
c- reattachment of retractors to tarsal plate
d- all of the above

Q13. Which of the statements below regarding both involutional type of entropion & ectropion is FALSE :
a- Lid laxity is an important causative factor
b- Lateral tarsal strip procedure attaching tarsus to lateral orbital rim is useful in both cases
c- Tearing is a chief symptom
d- Conjunctival spindle excision below the punctum can help mild cases

Q14. Cicatricial ectropion can result from all of the following EXCEPT :
a- chalazion treatment
b- burns
c- trauma
d- eyelid skin incision

Q15. Gold weight is placed pretarsally in the upper lid in :
a- ankyloblepharon
b- involutional ectropion
c- lagophthalmos VII nerve palsy (Bell's palsy)e
d- spastic entropion of upper lid

Q16. Causes of spastic enropion include
a- Ocular bandaging
b- Chronic blepharitis
c- Stevens-Johnson syndrome
d- All of the above

Q17. Abnormal lid laxity is diagnosed if :
a- lid can be drawn away by more than 10 mm from the globe
b- the punctum is visible only when the lid is pulled down
c- pulling the lower lid laterally causes medial canthus displacement more than 4 mm
d- the lid does not snap back immediately when drawn away from the globe and released


Q18. Keratinization of the lid margin can result from :
a- Blepharospasm
b- Severe ectropion
c- Spastic entropion
d- Lagophthalmos

Q19. The lower lid is kept opposed to the globe by which of the following mechanisms :
a- The capsnlopalpebral fascia acts as the lower lid retractor
b- The tarsal plate is attached to the bony orbit via taut canthal ligaments
c- The pretarsal orbicularis has firm connections with the tarsus
d- All of the above

Q20.A male patient was complaining of continuous redness of both eyes, foreign body sensation, and frequent loss of lashes. On examination, the lid margins were hyperaemic, and the lashes were matted with yellow crusts, which left painful ulcers on trying to move. The most reliable diagnosis is

A. Scaly blepharitis
B. Cicartricial entopion
C. Spastic entopion
D. Ulcerative blepharitis

Q21.Staphylococcal infection of sebaceous glands of the eye lids is called
A. Blepharitis
B. Conjunctivitis
C. Keratitis
D. Hordeolum

Q22.Which of the following statements is most correct:
a- Hordeolum involves the meibomian glands whereas Styes and Chalazions do not.

b- Chalazions are caused by infections (usually Staphylococcus aureus) whereas hordeolums are not.

c- Chalazions are often painless

d- Hordeolums are bilateral and styes are unilateral

e- All of the above are correct

Q23. True or False? The two major types of ptosis are congenital and acquired.
a- True
b- False
Q24. The most common type of congenital ptosis is :
a- Aponeurotic
b- Neurogenic
c- Traumatic
d- Myogenic

Q25. Extraocular movement testing in congenital myogenic ptosis may reveal limited :
a- adduction
b- abduction
c- supraduction
d- infraduction
Q26. True or False? Acquired ptosis is devided into myogenic,neurogenic,aponeurotic,mechanical,protective and pseudoptosis causes.
a- True
b- False

Q27. Regarding Horner's syndrome
a- Ptosis of moderate to severe degree may be seen
b- The miotic pupil constricts to light
c- Loss of accomodation is seen in the case of third order neuronal lesions
d- The near reflex is absent in the miotic pupil

Q28. Pupil involving third nerve palsy is caused in case of
a- intracranial aneurysm
b- diabetes mellitus
c- hypertensin
d- all of the above

Q29. The position of the eye ball in a patient with total III nerve palsy is
a- down & in
b- up & in
c- down & out
d- up & out

Q30. A 4 year old child with severe bilateral congenital myogenic ptosis with poor elevator function
a- will have a chin up head position
b- will benefit from bilateral frontalis suspension procedure
c- is likely to have amblyopia
d- All of the above are true

Q31. Which of these acquired ptosis can be an indication of life-threatening condition
a- ptosis with deep sulcus and lid drop in down gaze
b- ptosis with pupil sparing III nerve palsy in a 50 year old diabetic
c- ptosis due to isolated third nerve palsy following old closed head injury
d- ptosis which increases by evening

Q32. True or False? Enophthalmos and microphthalmia are included in congenital ptosis.
a- True
b- False

Q33. True or False? Lid tumors and cicatricial conjunctivitis are included in mechanical acquired ptosis.
a- True
b- False

Q34. Components in blepharophimosis include
a- horizontally elongated palpebral aperture
b- bilateral ptosis
c- epicanthus
d- all of the above

Q35. All of the following statements regarding dermatochalasis are true EXCEPT
a- It commences during puberty
b- It results in pseudoptosis
c- Blepharoplasty can correct the disorder
d- There is redundant skin around the eye lids

Q36.Ectropion of the upper eyelid may be
a- senile
b- paralytic
c- congenital
d- None of the above

Q37.All of the following types of entropion are known except
a- Spastic entropion
b- Senile entropion
c- Paralytic entropion
d- Cicatricial entropion

Q38.All of the following are causes of lagophthalmos except
a- facial nerve palsy
b- proptosis
c- cicatricial ectropion
d- third nerve paralysis

Q39.Ectropion of the upper lid most commonly
a- Spastic ectropion
b- Senile ectropion
c- Paralytic ectropion
d- Cicatricial ectropion
Q40.Third cranial nerve innervates all of the following except
a- Superior oblique muscle
b- Levator palpebrae muscle
c- Inferior oblique muscle
d- Medial rectus muscle


Answer key
1- B
2- D
3- B
4- B
5- C
6- D
7- C
8- D
9- C
10- A
11- D
12- C
13- D
14- A
15- C
16- A
17- D
18- B
19- D
20- D
21- D
22- C
23- A
24- D
25- C
26- B
27- B
28- A
29- C
30- A
31- D
32- B
33- A
34- A
35- A
36- D
37- C
38- D
39- D
40- A



Q1. The most commonly serious complication of mucopurulent conjunctivitis is
a- madarosis
b- conjunctival scarring
c- dry eye
d- corneal ulcer

Q2. All of the following can be seen in trachoma except
a- follicular conjunctivitis
b- Taranta‘s spots
c- Herbert‘s pits
d- conjunctival scarring

Q3. A painful, tender, non-itchy localized redness of the conjunctiva can be due to
a- bulbar spring catarrh
b- episcleritis
c- vascular pterygium
d- phlyctenular conjunctivitis

Q4. Pterygium is caused by the following factor
a- Exposure to infra-red rays
b- Exposure to ultra-violet rays
c- Exposure to ionic radiation
d- Exposure to an allergen

Q5. Conjunctival follicles are present in the following except
a- spring catarrh
b- long use of pilocarpine
c- active trachoma
d- viral conjunctivitis

Q6. In trachoma the patient is infectious when there is
a- Arlet‘s line
b- Herbert‘s pits
c- follicles and papillae
d- Post-trachomatous degenerations

Q7. In treatement of Herpes simplex conjunctivitis, we may get benefit from
a- hot fomentation
b- cold fomentation
c- lead acetate fomentation
d- boric acid lotion

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