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POS 414

POS 414 - Advanced Periodontal Therapy 4th Year Students)
Credit Hours: 4
Course Contributor -2005-2008
This course consists of a didactic and clinical component with four credit hours. It will cover:

  • The treatment of different types of periodontal diseases.
  • The interrelation between periodontics and related dental specialties.
  • Introduction to the surgical approaches in the management of moderate to advanced periodontal diseases
  • The role of occlusion in periodontal diseases and management.
  • The surgical aspect of implant dentistry and management of tissues around implants in health and disease

This course consists of a didactic and clinical component with 
four credit hours. It will cover:
    1. Perform a comprehensive diagnosis, discuss prognosis and make treatment plan which includes the specific surgical approaches necessary.
    2. Master the motivation and oral hygiene instruction of patients in addition to subgingival scaling and root planing.
    3. Describe the indication and procedure of specific surgical technique
    4. Understands the objective and different procedures of crown lengthening technique
    5. Under stands the importance of post surgical follow up and wound healing.
    6. Asses and evaluate the result of the performed therapy and project the long term result.
    7. Understands the role of trauma from occlusion in the etiology of periodontal disease
    8. Introduction to Implant Dentistry from surgical point of view.
    9. Develop the necessary knowledge for peri-implant structure and skills for implants maintenance.
    1. Discuss the etiology, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning for different types of  periodontal conditions including the surgical treatment needed.
    2. Carry out treatment of patients involving routine preventive care and non-surgical periodontal treatment to patients with early and severe form of periodontal disease as well as accurately interpret and evaluate the results of treatment rendered.
    3. Basic surgical procedures such as gingivectomy, different periodontal flap surgery, crown lengthening procedures.
    4. New regenerative techniques such as bone regeneration and tissue regeneration will be demonstrated.
    5. Examination, probing, diagnosis, treatment plan and treatments will be performed on quadrant basis during each clinical session.
    1. Finish at least 6 clinical cases:
    2. It is expected that the student will perform satisfactorily in both the clinical and   the written components of the course.
    3. Regular and prompt attendance in the clinic.
    4. Complete and careful record keeping of all assigned patients.
    5. Completion of the clinical requirements.
    • The treatment of different types of periodontal diseases.

    • The interrelation between periodontics and related dental specialties.
    • Introduction to the surgical approaches in the management of moderate to advanced periodontal diseases
    • The role of occlusion in periodontal diseases and management.
    • The surgical aspect of implant dentistry and management of tissues around implants in health and disease.


    •  One slight case either gingivitis or periodontitis with slight amount of subgingival calculus or other local factors.
    • One generalized periodontitis case with moderate amount of subgingival calculus or other local and systemic factors.
    • One generalized periodontitis case with moderate to severe amount of subgingival calculus or other local and systemic factors.
    • One surgical case either as surgical procedure for restorative purposes (e.g crown lengthening) or conventional periodontal surgical procedure (e.g. Open debridement or modified widman flap).
    • One re-evaluation case (for one of the finished periodontitis cases).
    • One recall and maintenance case (previously treated cases).
    • Any additional case beyond requirement will be considered in your clinical grading as bonus.


    At the end of this course the student should be able to present:




    This second part will involve the treatment of patients with different types of periodontitis.  Upon completion of this part, the student should be able to:



    Students must satisfactorily complete the following requirements:




Final mark will be calculated as follows:

A. Written examination (50%):

  • Midterm examination                         20%
  • Final examination                              30%                                        

B. Clinical Evaluation (40%)                                        

  • Routine evaluation                              15%
  • Requirement                                      15%
  • Clinical oral exam                               5%
  • Clinical scaling & RP exam                  10%

C. Subjective  Evaluation( 5%)

  • Regular attendance both lectures and clinical sessions
  • Surgical procedure report
  •  Professionalism
  •  Infection control                    

                                    TOTAL      -        100%

Clinical grading will be only in the categories of preparation, professionalism, knowledge and management of the patients.  Evaluation will be done weekly for the student and recorded on the evaluation forms.

The routine evaluation will be done on all patients under the student's care. Any procedure recorded as complete must be evaluated. Scaling and root planing must be evaluated on a quadrant or sextant basis. It is the STUDENT responsibility to assure that his/her work is being regularly evaluated.

Routine evaluation marks will be calculated from the clinical evaluation form which a student should submit it with each case treated and make sure that it is graded by his/her instructor (student's responsibility). This evaluation measures the quality of the work performed by the student during the management of his/her periodontal patients. Marks will be calculated using weight system using points and it depends on the case type and procedure as follows:

  • Gingivitis with slight amount of local factors account : 1.5 points out of 15
  • Periodontitis with slight amount of local factors account : 2 points out of 15              
  • Periodontitis with moderate amount of local factors account : 2.5 points out of 15
  • Periodontitis with moderate to severe amount of local factors account: : 3 points out of 15
  • Reevaluation after initial therapy account : 2 points out of 15
  • Recall of a finished case account : 2 points out of 15
  • Surgical case account : 2 points out of 15

Example: Student treat a periodontitis case with slight amount of local factors (examination, diagnosis, treatment plan and initial therapy) and the calculated average of the case from student evaluation form is 80% then the point of this case is: (80 × 2) ÷ 100 = 1.6 out of 2 points.

Requirement marks, when a student successfully finish all the requirement then this student will be given the total marks which is 15 provided that each requirement case type passed successfully (at least 60% average on the evaluation form) otherwise, if a student finish a case type with less than 60%  it will not be considered toward the requirement.

Clinical oral exam, it include one of the student case documented by radiographs and complete signed periodontal form and also should include the completed examination, charting and treatment plan form. The student should performed this exam during the 1st semester.

 Clinical scaling & RP exam, should be performed by the student in any quadrant of the ingoing treated case with at least moderate amount of subgingival calculus and should be approved the supervisor. Set for this exam can be any time during the 2nd semester.

Surgical procedure report, is evaluated on preparation, knowledge and pre-prepared paper which includes medical history, purpose of the surgery, type of surgery (name of the surgical procedure), and step by step procedure and post surgical instruction. In addition to radiograph of the site and photograph before and after surgery are highly recommended to be included in the report and considered in the evaluation.


Subjective evaluation will be reached through the Division of Periodontics faculty consensus.  Any student who in the opinion of the Division has not met his/her requirement/professional and ethical responsibilities to treat the periodontal needs of all his/her patients in a timely and orderly manner, will not receive passing grade.


  • CARRANZA'S Clinical Periodontology. 9th edition.  eds: Newman, Takei and Carranza. 2002

Additional text,

  • Color atlas of Dental medicine-periodontology, Ed: Klaus H. & Edith M.Rateitschak
    Herbert F. wolf and Thomas M.Hassell, 2nd edition (Thieme)


course attachements