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كلية العلوم
كلية العلوم مبنى 5 قسم علم الحيوان 2ب 117
Journal Article

Effects of the interaction between tank color and type of feed pellets on biological and physiological indicators in red hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus  Oreochromis niloticus) juveniles reared in brackish water

floating feed pellets, growth parameters, red tilapia, sinking feed pellets, tank color

The present work aimed to investigate the impacts of tank
color (transparent, light blue, and red), feed pellet types
(floating and sinking), and their interaction on the performance
and welfare of red hybrid tilapia juveniles with an
initial average weight of 19.59 g for a 50 day trial period following
a 3 2 factorial design. Fish were cultured randomly
at a stoking rate of 10 juveniles/100-L tank. Fish were fed
6 days per week at a rate of 4% biomass twice daily.
Three replicates were performed for each measurement.A two-way analysis of variance showed that using tanks of
different colors (transparent, light blue, and red) has no
impact on the growth, feed efficacy, survival rate, and blood
composition (except for red blood cells, hematocrit, and triglycerides)
of tilapia. Also, pellet types (floating and sinking)
showed no significant alterations for the above variables
except for glucose and hematocrit levels. Interestingly, the
interaction between tank color and pellet type exhibited significant
impacts on growth parameters, feed utilization,
blood variables, and intestinal enzymes of red hybrid tilapia.
Moreover, fish reared in transparent or light blue tanks and
fed with floating diets performed the best for all evaluated
parameters. Additionally, sinking pellets had better effects
when combined with red (dark)-colored tanks.

Publication Work Type
original article
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Magazine \ Newspaper
journal of the world Aquaculture society
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