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Arshia Sultana

Assistant Professor


218 Writing-3

Writing-3 Course Description

Course title and code                                        : Writing-3, 218 Najd

Credit hours                                                      : 3 HOURS

Program(s) in which the course is offered        : English program

Name of faculty member                                  : Arshia Sultana

Level at which this course is offered                : Three

Prerequisites for this course                              : Completion of writing-2, 164 Najd

                                                             Course Description

     The course aims at training students on how to write various scripts on specific topics in their daily lives. These include the narrative and descriptive modes. Specific focus is given to the structure of the paragraph as a revision of Writing 2. Then, students will be familiarized primarily with the structure of the essay. They can write different types of texts, argumentative, and note-based writing. Cohesion among sentences and paragraphs is stressed as well as the structure of the essay such as introduction, body and conclusion. Compound sentences, direct and indirect speech are emphasized.

Three stages are observed: reading, assignments and independent writing.


Themes Covered


1. Revision of Writing 2

2. Writing scripts and dialogues; compound sentences.

3. Changing dialogues into scripts

4. Writing different topics with specific focus on compound sentences.

Skills Developed


Developing students' writing skills by familiarizing them to:

- identifying different types of sentences

- familiarizing students to different types of script and the conditions that should be available in each.

-Familiarizing students to different types of scripts

Teaching Strategies


1. Giving modals of writing

2. Training students on how to write letters describe a place, narrate a story…etc.

3. Using aids



-Checking students' performance to identify their weaknesses and strengths.

-Giving them assignments on regular bases.


Knowledge Skills to be Developed


-Ability to write in English

- Ability to write correct sentences

-Connecting sentences and paragraphs

- Writing paragraphs

-Organizing content correctly

Teaching Strategies


- Promoting modals

- Students write similar cohesive and complete scripts

Evaluation Methods



-Three tests to pass in addition to assignments given to students at a daily base.

Communication Skills


-Enabling students to express themselves correctly in English when communicating with native English Speakers

Evaluation Schedule


1. First mid-term Exam (20 grades)

2. Second mid-term Exam (20 Grades)

3. Assignments (20 grades)

4. Final (40 Grades)



-From Paragraphs to Essays by John Langan (book)

-Learning/teaching sites of English, electronic dictionaries and auto- translation sites.

-Elecronic Materials

-Other materials

course attachements