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عبدالرحمن سعد عبدالله العنقري

Associate Professor

وكالة الجامعة للشؤون التعليمية والأكاديمية-إدارة الخطط الدراسية

كلية علوم الرياضة والنشاط البدني
أ21 قسم الميكانيكا الحيوية والسلوك الحركي

Biomechanics of Sports

This course aims to introduce the student to the mechanical foundations and principles of most fields of biomechanics. The student will be exposed to a lot of basic and advanced knowledge that develops his ability to understand movement and its causes. Some previous studies will be reviewed in addition to a theoretical approach to kinetic analysis on models of sports. It also discusses models of sports tools and the mechanics of their manufacture and uses.