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Arwa Khalid AlSalem

Demonstrator at Maxillofacial Surgery Department

course material

Exam sample


1) One of the following is not a nonresorbable suture material: 

a)      silk

b)      nylon

c)      dexon

d)     prolene

e)      non of the above




2) the most common complication of tooth extraction is:


a)      fracture of the root

b)      displacement of the root tip

c)      dry socket

d)     infection

e)      perforation of maxillary sinus




3) The occurrence of either a vestibular abscess or fascial space infection is             determined by:


a)      Muscle attachment of maxilla and mandible.

b)     Virulence of the causative microorganisms.

c)      Thickness of bone overlying the tooth apex.

d)     All of the above.

e)      a & c.



4) Which of the following criteria describe an odontogenic abscess?


a)      Chronic condition.

b)     Due to aerobic bacteria.

c)      Fluctuant swelling.

d)     All of the above.

e)      a & c.



5) The most common emergencey faced in the dental clinic is


a)      heamorrhage

b)      tooth fracture

c)      thyroid crisis

d)     syncope

e)      adrenal crisis






6) Wheel and axle is the  most common principle used with straight elevators 


                                                 (true)    ( false)



7) Maxillary nerve is a pure sensory nerve while the mandibular nerve is a mixed one


                                                (true)       ( false)



8) Envelope flap has only one vertical incision 


                                                (true)       ( false)





9) Classify impacted lower third molar according to the distance between the distal surface of 2 ed molat and anterior border of the ramus.:






10) Why is the layered closure important؟؟






11) Enmurate Principles of flap design




1      C


2       a


3       A


4        e


5        d


6       false


7        true


8       false



         CLASS 1:  the space between the anterior part of the ascending ramus and the distal surface of the 2nd molar is sufficient to accommodate the mesiodistal diameter of the crown of the third molar.


         CLASS II: the space between the anterior part of the ascending ramus and distal surface of the 2nd molar is less than the mesiodistal diameter of the crown of the third molar (part of the tooth located within the ramus)

         CLASS III: all the third molar is located within the ascending ramus of the mandible.



10- Layered closure is important for:


         Avoids dead space

         Reduce risk of infection

         Reduce scar fformation

         Minimize tension in the skin



11- Principles of flap design


1-Incisions should avoid anatomical structures

2- incisions far enough away from the surgical area:

3- The base of the flap should be wider than the apex to ensure adequate blood supply

4- A firm pressure upon a sharp scalpel should be used so that both the  mucosa and periosteal layers of the gingiva are incised down to bone ( sharp clean cut)

5- The MPF should be made large enough to provide for visibility, accessibility

6- Incisions should  not be made in  an  area of thinned mucosa e.g. over an exostosis or bony protuberances

7- The vertical releasing incision, if needed, should be made at a line angle to maintain the integrity