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اريج ابراهيم عبدالعزيز الشايع


عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
مبنى 11, الدور الثالث, مكتب 109

CLS 311

Course Title       : Basic Microbiology
Credit Hours      : 3 + 1 = 4
 Course Description:
This course provides the students with basic theoretical and practical aspects of various groups of microorganisms to include bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology as well as basic concepts of immunology and epidemiology. It also introduces the basic concepts of disinfectants, antiseptics, preservatives, Ames test, methods of sterilization, aseptic techniques and general microbial control.
CLS 311: Lectures Outline 

Weeks Subjects
1. General introduction to Microbiology
 Historical background and Classification of
2.          Microorganisms
Introduction to Viruses: Classification, morphology and structure, Replication and Pathogenicity
3.          Introduction to Fungi: Classification, morphology and structure, Replication and Pathogenicity
4.           Introduction to Parasites: Classification, General Characteristics of parasites and Medically important Parasites
5.            Introduction to Bacteria: Classification, Morphology and Structures
6. Bacterial Structures
7.           Microbial Growth requirements: Nutritional requirements, Physical requirements, Types of bacteria according to energy production
8.           Bacterial Growth: Growth curve, Constant and synchronous growth
9.                             Bacterial Metabolism: Catabolic Pathways and regulation
10.                           Bacterial Genetics: Mutation and mutagenic agents ,&Ames test Gene transfer ,PCR ,& genetic engineering
11.                           Bacterial Genetics continued ….
12. Microbial Control: Principles, Disinfectants, antiseptics, and preservatives
 Physical and chemical methods of sterilization Aseptic techniques
13. Microbial control continued
14.        Pathogenicity of Infectious Diseases
15.         Normal Microbial flora


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