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Syed Shah Amanullah Quadri


Lecturer, Software Engineering Department.

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Bldg # 31, II Floor- Office # 2015

SWE 312 - Software Requirements Engineering

The course covers requirements engineering in depth including the followings: requirements Engineering Process - Elicitation of requirements - Functional and non-functional requirements - System services and constraints – Quality of Requirements - Requirements traceability matrix - Metrics for non-functional requirements - Use case description - Use case and context diagrams - Software Requirements Specification -IEEE Standard - Requirements for agile developments - Requirements for various systems: embedded systems, web-based systems, business systems, etc. – Requirements management. Ethical behavior of software analysts with respect to stakeholders when gathering the requirements will be also discussed. This course gives also a brief introduction to formal specifications using specification languages such as Z or B. Students participate in a group project on software requirements analysis and specification and requirements management case tools.

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