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Anmar Ibrahim Arif

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

كلية الهندسة
Electrical Engineering Department, 2 C 26

EE 201: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

Introduction to DC and AC circuits. The course includes basic circuit theorems: Kirchoff voltage and current  laws, series and parallel circuit, superposition principle, Thevenin and Norton theorems. Techniques of circuit analysis: Nodal and mesh analysis, Sinusoidal sources and the concept of phasors in circuit analysis.

Text Book:
“Introductory Circuit Analysis” By Robert L. Boylestad, 12th (or 11th or 10th) Edition, Published by Prentice Hall, 2001.

Grading Policy: 
Mid-Term Exams:                                                    20% + 20%
Home Works + Quizzes + Attendance                    20%
Final Exam                                                              40%

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Weekly Teaching Plan:

Subjects   Week  
Chapter 2- Current and Voltage
2.2 Current
2.3 Voltage
2.4 Fixed dc supplies
Chapter 4- Ohm’s Law, Power and Energy
4.1 Ohm’s law
4.3 Power
Chapter 5- Series Circuit
5.2 Series circuits
5.3 Voltage sources in series
5.4 Kirchhoff’s voltage law
5.5 Voltage divider rule
5.6 Notation
Chapter 6- Parallel Circuits
6.2 Parallel elements
6.3 Total conductance and resistance
6.4 Parallel networks
6.5 Kirchhoff’s current law
6.6 Current divider rule
6.7 Voltage sources in parallel
6.8 Open and short circuits
Chapter 7- Series- Parallel Networks
7.1 Series-Parallel networks
7.2 Descriptive Examples
7.3 Ladder networks
Chapter 8- Methods of Analysis and Selected Topics (dc)
8.2 Current sources
8.3 Source conversions
8.4 Current sources in parallel
8.5 Current sources in series
8.7 Mesh analysis (general approach)
8.8 Mesh analysis (formatted approach)
Chapter 8- Methods of Analysis and Selected Topics (dc)
8.9 Nodal analysis (general approach)
8.10 Nodal analysis (formatted approach)
8.11 Bridge network
8.12 Star- Delta conversions
Chapter 9- Network Theorems
9.2 Superposition theorem
9.3 Thevenin’s theorem
9.4 Norton’s theorem
9.5 Maximum power transfer Theorem
Chapter 13- Sinusoidal Alternating Waveforms
13.2 AC Voltage Definition
13.4 General format for the sinusoidal V or I
13.5 Phase relation
13.7 Effective value
Chapter 14- The basic Elements and Phasors
14.3 Response of basic R, L, and C elements to a sinusoidal V or I
14.5 Average power and power factor
14.6 Complex numbers
14.7 Rectangular form
14.8 Polar form
14.9 Conversion between forms
14.10 Mathematical operations with complex numbers
14.12 Phasors
Chapter 15- Series and Parallel ac Circuits
15.2 Impedance and the phasor diagram
15.3 Series configuration
15.4 Voltage divider rule
15.6 Admittance and susceptance
15.7 Basic elements in parallel ac networks
15.8 Current divider rule
15.9 Equivalent circuits
Chapter 16- Series-Parallel ac Networks
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Illustrative example
16.3 Ladder networks
Chapter 17- Methods of Analysis and Selected Topics (ac)
17.2 Independent Versus Dependent (Controlled) Sources
17.3 Source conversions
17.4 Mesh analysis (formatted approach)
17.5 Nodal analysis (formatted approach)
17.6 Bridge networks (ac)
17.7 Star-Delta conversions
Chapter 18- Network Theorems
Same theorems as in Chapter 9
Chapter 19- Power (ac)
19.2 Resistive Circuits
19.3 Apparent Power
19.4 Inductive circuit and reactive power (Q)
19.5 Capacitive circuit
19.6 The power triangle
19.7 The total P, Q, and S
19.8 Power factor correction