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د. عبدالرحمن بن نبيل بن عبدالرحمن الصالح

Assistant Professor

أمين مجلس إدارة جامعة الملك سعود

كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية
مبنى 14، الطابق الثاني، مكتب A120

Conflict of Laws

Course Overview

In this course, students will survey the principles that arise when there are conflict of law issues.  Primarily, the course will focus on the topics of jurisdiction, choice of law and the enforceability of judgments across international boundaries.  With regard to jurisdiction, personal and prescriptive jurisdiction will be discussed within the framework of international relations, and a review of extraterritorial application will likely ensue.  In regard to the choice of law matters, the focus will rest on cases where more than one jurisdiction would be involved in efforts to resolve the case.  Lastly, the reality of judgment enforcement across international boundaries will be case study driven with a review of comparative examples of full faith and credit usage and the principles of international comity.

course attachements