المقررات الدراسية للسنة الأولى والثانية المطور بكلية الطب
المرفقات تحتوي على وصف موجز للمقررات.
مقررات السنة اولى:
- مقدمة في العلوم الطبية المتقدمة (١١١ اسس)
- الجهاز الحركي والعضلي (١١٥ حرك)
- مقرر الجهاز التنفسي (١١٢ نفس)
- مقرر الجهاز الدوري (١١٣ قلب)
- مقرر الكلى (١١٤ كلى)
مقررات السنة الثانية:
- مقرر الجهاز العصبي والنفسي (٢٢٢ عصب)
- مقرر الجهاز الهضمي والتغذية (٢٢٣ هضم)
- مقرر الجهاز التناسلي (٢٢٤ نسل)
- مقرر جهاز الغدد الصماء (٢٢٥ غدد)
الجداول التالية تمثل توزيع المحاضرات لكل مقرر
FIRST YEAR (1434/1435H)
Block |
Lecture / Practical |
Foundation |
Amino Acids |
Protein Structure |
Structure and Functions of Carbohydrates |
Introduction to Molecular Biology(Nucleotides & DNA language) |
Introduction to Molecular Biology( DNA & RNA) |
Metabolism : Anabolism & Catabolism |
Cell signaling & Regulation of Metabolism |
Biochemical markers for diagnosis and follow up of disease |
Musculoskeletal |
Glycogen metabolism in muscles |
Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in muscles |
Cardiovascular |
Lactic acidosis |
Cholesterol metabolism |
Lipoprotein metabolism |
Biochemical markers of myocardial infarction |
Respiratory |
Globular proteins |
Phospholipids of clinical significance |
Renal |
Inborn errors of A.A. metabolism |
Kidney function tests |
Lectures of Genetics
Foundation |
Human chromosomes: genotypes/phenotypes |
Chromosomal anomalies |
Mode of inheritance |
Atypical mode of inheritance |
Genetic counseling (Exercise) |
SECOND YEAR (1434/1435H)
Block |
Lecture / Practical |
Biochemistry of Myelin |
Vitamin A |
Biochemical aspects of Alzheimer |
Biochemical aspects of CSF |
Vitamin B6 and B12 |
GIT & Hematology |
Nutritional Requirements |
Biochemical aspects of digestion of proteins & carbohydrates |
Biochemical aspects of digestion of lipids |
Urea Cycle |
Liver function tests |
Plasma proteins |
Biochemistry of vitamin K |
Biochemical aspects of bile acids and salts |
Structure and function of hemoglobin |
G6PD |
Reproductive |
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia syndrome and testicular femininization syndrome |
Biomarkers of ovarian cancer and cysts |
Investigation of infertile couple |
Endocrine |
General mechanisms of hormone action |
Biochemistry of thyroid hormones and thermogenesis |
Vitamin D , rickets and osteoporosis |
Biochemistry of Cushing syndrome |
Biochemistry of Addison’s disease |
Glucose homeostasis |
Practical: Estimation of glucose in blood and urine |
Metabolic changes in diabetes mellitus |
Biochemistry of diabetic ketoacidosis |
Biochemistry of obesity: role of hormones |
Biochemistry of metabolic syndrome |