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Dr. Anwar M. Mirza

Professor of Computer Engineering


CEN352 Digital Signal Processing

CEN352 Digital Signal Processing

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Course Details

      Course Name:   Digital Signal Processing
      Course Number:   CEN352
      Lectures given by:   Dr. Anwar M. Mirza (
      Lectures Hours:   Every Saturday, Monday and Wednesday,
  Section 1: at 1:00pm, Lecture Hall B093, Building 31
  Section 2: at 2:00om, Lecture Hall B093, Building 31
  Tutorials on Sunday at 5:00pm and Wednesday 6:00pm, Lecture Hall B091.

Course Outline

  1. Identify some reasons for studying digital signal processing.
  2. Contrast the meanings of analog and digital signals.
  3. Describe the sampling theorem and the spectra of a periodic signal.
  4. Determine the spectrum of a signal using the DFT and the FFT, and explain the difference between the DFT and the FFT.
  5. Describe a system using differential equation and apply z-transform.
  6. Design digital filters that have specified frequency characteristics.
  7. Analyze frequency selective filters in the z-transform domain.
  8. Apply windowing on a signal and explain how it improves transform properties.
  9. Be able to design, analyze, and implement digital filters in Matlab.
  10. Explain how digital techniques cancel noise in audio processing.
  11. Explain how low-pass filtering tends to smooth out images.

Marks Distribution
Homework / Assignments                 15%
       Quizes                                             05%
       Mid-Term I                                       20%
       Mid-Term II                                      20%
       Final Exam                                       40%
Recommended Text

  1. L. Tan, Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals and Applications, Elsevier, 2008.


  1. Lecture Notes
  2. John G. Proakisand DimitrisG. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, algorithms and applications, 4thEd., 2007, Prentice Hall.
  3. OpenheimA., WillskyA. and S. Nawab, Signals and Systems, 2ndEd., 1997, Prentice Hall.

Course Learning Outcomes

This course requires the student to demonstrate the following:

  1. Identify some reasons for studying digital signal processing.
  2. Contrast the meanings of analog and digital signals.
  3. Describe the sampling theorem and the spectra of a periodic signal.
  4. Determine the spectrum of a signal using the DFT and the FFT, and explain the difference between the DFT and the FFT.
  5. Perform discrete convolution.
  6. Describe a system using differential equation and apply z-transform.
  7. Design digital filters that have specified frequency characteristics.
  8. Analyze frequency selective filters in the z-transform domain.
  9. Apply windowing on a signal and explain how it improves transform properties.
  10. Be able to design, analyze, and implement digital filters in Matlab.
  11. Explain how digital techniques cancel noise in audio processing.
  12. Explain how low-pass filtering tends to smooth out images.

Lecture Notes /  Assignments / Quizes / Previous Tests

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