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عبدالرحمن بن عبدالكريم بن عبدالرحمن مرزا



علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Building 31, 2nd Floor, Office # 2099

IS 466 - Decision Support Systems

This course covers the following topics: the decision making process, decision making and support systems, modeling and support, categorization of problem-solving techniques, data management and concepts of the data warehousing, modeling; forecasting models, simulation models and association analysis models, decision support system construction methods, decision tree induction, knowledge-based systems and expert systems, expert system architecture, representation of knowledge, forward and backward chaining, inferences making process, applications of expert systems in decision making.

In Fall of 2022, a new textbook was adopted that helps the students focus more on the role of Business Intelligence, Analytics, and AI in decision support systems.

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