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د. عبدالعزيز بن محمد بن عبدالعزيز الحصان

Assistant Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية الصيدلة
الصيدلة الإكلينيكية، الدور الأول، مكتب أ237

Master program: PHCL 501, 502, 503

The Therapeutics Courses I,II and II  are post-graduate  pharmacy  courses designed to  provide  students  with  an  opportunity  to apply their knowledge of the basic pharmaceutical  sciences  and  to obtain new information about rational drug therapy to promote the practice of patient oriented pharmacy. The courses consist of both lectures and conferences.   Students  will gain an  understanding  of  rational drug therapy in the  treatment of selected diseases; problems associated   with implementing rational drug therapy; how therapy concepts  correlate with the pathophysiology  of   the disease; and the monitoring  tools necessary for evaluation of drug therapy. Students  will  be  expected  to correlate the findings of case study with the drug therapy and disease

course attachements