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Prof. Abdulrahman Saad Aldawood


Faculty Staff

كلية علوم الأغذية والزراعة
A102 2

introduction/brief CV

King Saud University
College of Food and Agriculture Sciences
Department of Plant Protection
I am interested to:

  • Run experiments on different aspects of Entomology including:
  • Agricultural pests experiments - current research on date palm pests management, red palm weevil biology and behavior, date palm mites management, and date moths seasonal distribution.
  • Forest Entomology - current research on seasonal distribution of Acacia tree insects, and survey of Entomophona of western forest region of Saudi Arabia.
  • Feeding behavior studies, current research on insects feeding behavior on their host plants (subjected to different stresses) using an electronic feeding monitor.
  • Studying the seasonal distribution and life cycles of agricultural and forest insects and manage their numbers within an IPM approach concept.

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الفقد في الحصاد والنقل والتوزيع في المخازن والصوامع وفي أعداد الأطعمة الفحص واخذ العينات والعوامل التي تؤثر على تخزين الحبوب الحشرات التي تصيب المواد الغذائية المخزونة الحشرات…


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