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Hussain A. Alawaji, M. ASCE, IACMAGM أ.د. حسين عبدالله صالح العواجي


Civil Engineering

كلية الهندسة
College of Engineering Civil Engineering Department P O Box 800 Riyadh 11421

CE 483 Foundation Engineering

Institution :  King Saud University                         
College/Department :   College of Engineering -  Department of Civil Engineering

A Course Identification and General Information

1.  Course title and code: Foundation Engineering,   CE 483
2.  Credit hours: 2 hours

3.  Program(s) in which the course is offered.

(If general elective available in many programs indicate this rather than list programs)

Civil Engineering Program

  1. Name of faculty member responsible for the course

 Prof.  H. Alawaji

5.  Level/year at which this course is offered:     Ninth Level
  1. Pre-requisites for this course (if any)      

 CE 370 Reinforced Concrete Design,  and CE 481 Geotechnical Engineering-II 

Course Description 

1 Topics to be Covered
Topic No of
Contact hours
  1. Introduction.
1 2
  1. Site Investigations.
2 4
  1. Types of foundation and foundation materials.
1 2
  1. Bearing capacity of Spread footings.
3 6
  1. Bearing Capacity of Combined footings.
2 4
  1. Bearing Capacity of Mat Foundation.
2 4
  1. Evaluate the settlement of the selected foundations.
2 4
  1. General overview of Saudi Building Code for soils and foundations.
2 4


Textbook(s) and/or Other Required Material

  1. Principle of Foundation Engineering by Braja M Das, Latest Edition.
  2. Foundation Engineering by Bowels.
  3. Saudi Building Code for soils and foundations.


Schedule of Assessment Tasks for Students during the Semester

Assessment Assessment task (eg. Essay, test, group project, examination etc.) Week due Proportion of Final Assessment
2 Quizzes  and assignments Bi-weekly basis 10%
Two Mid-term exams The eighth and  Therteenth week 40 %
Final Exam As scheduled by the registrar 50 %

موعد الاختبار الفصلي الأول الاربعاء 27 / 5 / 1436 ھ الموافق 18 / 3 / 2015 م
موعد الاختبار الفصلي الثاني الاحد 30 / 6 / 1436 ھ الموافق 19 / 4 / 2015 م
الوقت: بعد صلاة المغرب ان شاء الله.

  • Course learning outcome assessment
  1. Understand the methods of site investigations and determine the site characteristics.
  2. Understand the types of foundations.
  3. Understand the types of loads to be applied to foundations.
  4. Evaluate the bearing capacity of soils and rocks.
  5. Select the proper type of foundation according to the site and structure characteristics.
  6. Evaluate the settlement of the selected foundations.
  7. Design of Spread footings, Combined footings, and Mat foundations
  8. General overview of Saudi Building Code for soils and foundations


course attachements