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Aljawharah M. Alnasser

Assistant Professor

Assistant professor

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات

IT 497 - Project 2

This course is the second of a two-course sequence (IT496 and IT 497). The teams, with the guidance of their supervisor will continue the design and development of new increments for the second release of the software system (Relese-2). Teams should demonstrate the ability to use new tools and programming languages. The graduation project committee provides support seminars for the students during the course. 

At the end of the course, each team should present a demo of the final software system, discussing important design and development decisions. They should also submit a final report, which documents the complete system design and development, as well as required admin guides and user manuals. Team work, leadership, communication and writing skills are all important ingredients for a successful project.  

course attachements