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Dr. Abdulrhman A. AlKhanifer

Assistant Professor

Dean of E-Transaction and Communication

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Building 31

introduction/brief CV

Welcome to my personal website! I am Abdulrhman Alkhanifer, Ph.D., serving as an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at King Saud University. I earned my Ph.D. in Computing from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), located in Rochester, NY, USA.


In addition to my academic role, I am honored to hold the position of Dean of E-Transactions and Communication at King Saud University. Moreover, I serve as a Digital Transformation Advisor for various organizations. As part of my commitment to fostering innovation, I am proud to be the CEO of Riyadh Valley Digital Company: Knowledge Developers (K-Devs). Thank you for visiting, and feel free to explore more about my academic pursuits, professional engagements, and contributions to the field of digital transformation.

areas of expertise

Current research interests:

  • UX related topics: user Interface design, usability engineering and accessibility
  • Software engineering including requirements engineering and modeling
  • Machine Learning and AI
  • Data governance and privacy


Previous research areas (but still of interest):

  • Software security metrics and vulnerability analysis using machine learning
  • Research in mobile computing, including push and remote services

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CSC 111 Introduction to Java Programming - برمجة الحاسبات ١


CSC 443 - software/IT project management -  ادارة مشاريع البرمجيات وتقينة المعلومات


CSC 440 Human Computer Interaction - الانسان والحاسب

office hours

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
from 03:28 PM _ _ _ _ _ _
to 03:28 PM _ _ _ _ _ _
location _ _ _ _ _ _ _