النظرية الاقتصادية الكلية (502 قصد)
المادة: تحليل اقتصاد كلي - 502 قصد
موعد المحاضرة : 1 – 4 مساءً (السبت)
Course description:
- Classical Macroeconomics: Equilibrium Output and Employment – Money, Prices, and Interest.
- The Keynesian System: The Role of Aggregate Demand – Money, Interest, and Income – Policy Effects in the IS-LM Model – Aggregate Supply and Demand.
- Output, Inflation, and Unemployment.
- New Classical Economics.
- Real Business Cycles and New Keynesian Economics.
- Open Economy Macroeconomics: Exchange Rate and the International Monetary System – Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the Open Economy.
- Economic Policy and Economic Growth.
1) Macroeconomics by Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer and Richard Startz (Dec 13, 2010)
2) Macroeconomics (9th Edition) by Richard T. Froyen (Mar 30, 2008)
الامتحانات الفصلية:
هناك امتحانان فصليان يحددان فيما بعد.