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Ahmed Aidarous H Alaidarous احمد عيدروس العيدروس

Assistant Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية السياحة والآثار
كلية السياحة والاثار مبنى 11

introduction/brief CV

دكتور احمد عيدروس حسن العيدروس , استاذ مساعد ,رئيس قسم ادراة موارد تراث والارشاد السياحي , كلية السياحة و الاثار . معماري متخصص في تقنيات الحفاظ على المباني التراثية , و مهتم بالتراث العمراني بشكل عام و باعادة تهيئة و تخطيط التراث العمراني . Assistant Professor of Architectural Conservation MSc Conservation of Historic Buildings,Department of Architecture University of Edinburgh Phd in Earth Building Conservation‎‏ ‏‎Polytechnic University of Valencia
Current Position
Assistant Professor
 Department of Heritage Resources Management and Tourism Guidance
College of Tourism and Archaeology
King Saud University
I am looking for a position where I can utilize my academic background in the domain of heritage sites which I have acquired as well as enriching my experience and promoting my research skills and expertise along with providing consulting services and research in the field of my specialization and exchanging knowledge, experiences and skills.
Education and Academic Qualifications

·2012-2016: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technologies of Architectural Conservation of Earthen Heritage Buildings, School of Architecture,  Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain.

·2010 – 2011: MSc in Architectural Conservation from the Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies (SCCS), School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Britain. 

Title: The Conservation of Old Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: A technology–led construction analysis , the Case Study Nassif House.

·2002 – 2007: Bachelor of Architectural Design, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Designs, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah.