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آلاء بنت ابراهيم بن عبد العزيز أبوعبيد

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

كلية طب الأسنان
Building No.10, 3rd floor, Office No. 54.

SDS 333

Preclinical Fixed Prosthodontics:
 This is a one year course during the Third Year. It is an introductory course to Fixed Prosthodontics. The course represents the orientation phase to the discipline of fixed prosthodontics (FP). It provides a structured framework for the students to learn the scientific basis and the fundamental principles of FP. It prepares the student for the practice of sound clinical FP through a patient simulation phase of mechanical and technical procedures.


Introduction to the course / Introduction to fixed prosthodontics and
Treatment planning for single-tooth restoration (Chapter 1&6)
Fundamentals of Occlusion (Chapter 2, pp 54-55) 2
Articulators (Chapter 3). 3
Principles of tooth preparation (Chapter 9+ pp139-141) 4
Retention and resistance and its theoretical and practical attainment
(Chapter 9(pp. 119-125))
Metal ceramic crown preparation (pp. 142-151) 6
Treatment planning for replacement of missing teeth (Chapter 7). 7
Introduction to ceramics and All ceramic crowns (pp. 151-153 & 433-
Pontic Design (pp. 485-502) 9
Impressions (Chapter 17(pp. 281-304)). 10
Working cast and dies (Chapter 18(pp. 309-333)). 11
Wax patterns (Chapter 19(pp. 335-353)). 12
Wax-up procedures, cut-back & framework designs for metal
ceramic restoration (pp. 457-468 & 502-506)
Investing and casting (Chapter 21(pp. 365-378)). 14



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