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د. علي بن حسن القحطاني | Dr. Ali Hasan Alqahtani

Associate Professor

عميد كلية الهندسة التطبيقية | Dean

كلية الهندسة فرع المزاحمية
Al-Muzahmiah Branch, Building: 02, 2st Floor, S-102

AEE 2120: Electric Circuits II

Analysis of three-phase circuits, The natural and step response of first order (RL and RC) circuits, Natural and step response of a series and parallel RLC circuits and the forms of the response, The concept of self and mutual inductance and basic relations of various quantities in circuits with mutual inductance, The ideal transformer and circuits containing ideal transformer and mutual inductance, The terminal equations and two-port circuits, frequency response, Low pass, high pass and band pass filters, Bode plots, Introduction to resonance: Series and parallel resonance, The ideal Operational Amplifier and its applications, rectifier circuits.

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