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Prof. Ahmad Mohammed Alamri


وكيل الكلية للتطوير والجودة

كلية المجتمع بالرياض
كلية المجتمع 5-2-2

introduction/brief CV

Dr. Alamri is a professor of accounting at King Saud University with extensive experience in both academic and consulting fields. He holds leadership positions in the academic field and in the field of financial management. Among his notable achievements is supervising the project of transforming King Saud University from applying the cash basis to applying the accrual basis of accounting. He also has experience in managing change initiatives, such as developing financial regulations, digital transformation programs, and enhancing human resource efficiency.

Dr. Alamri’s research interest is focused on various fields of accounting, including accounting information systems, management accounting, corporate governance, and the quality of financial reports. He has numerous research papers published in local and international peer-reviewed journals.


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This research focuses on the influence of modern management accounting techniques in Saudi firms. The primary aim of this study is to provide a clear understanding of the current trend in…

by Ahmad Mohammed Alamri

This research has investigated and analysed why and how Management Accounting (MA) has contributed, at the institutional level, to improving Health Care Quality (HCQ) within the Saudi…

by Ahmad Mohammed Alamri

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The main aim of this course is to explore and discuss ongoing and emerging issues in managerial accounting through a critical evaluation and analysis of recent published papers in accounting…


إظهار قدرة الطالب علي تطبيق النظريات والقواعد المتحصل عليها في المقررات السابقة وذلك في الواقع اليومي للمنشأة. وكذلك تدريب الطالب على الإندماج في المؤسسات وخاصة في البنوك التجارية والمؤسسات…


التعرف على الأسس المحاسبية اللازمة لإعداد التسويات الجردية لعمليات المنشأة في نهاية الفترة، مع بيان تأثيرها على الحسابات الختامية والقوائم المالية للمنشأة.