Module Identification
Credit Hours:
Course Description:
The main objective of this course is to integrate the
practical aspects of enzymology with the kinetic theories to provide a
mechanistic overview of enzyme activity and regulation in cells. This is
achieved by using a set of special experiments designed to study parameters of
isolation, activity, inhibition & characterization of enzymes, in an
attempt to develop hand-on training on enzyme handling and characteristics of
enzyme reactions, enzyme kinetics, enzyme isolation and purification.
Marks Distribution:
100 pts divided as following:
15 pts Reports (take the average)
10 pts Quizzes (take the average)
25 pts Mid-Term Exam (13 pts Practical
+ 12 pts Theoretical)
50 pts final exam (25 pts Practical
+ 25 pts Theoretical)
Topics to
be Covered:
Some Factors Affecting Polyphenol Oxidase Activity (Introduction to
Methods of Enzyme Assay
Purification of Acid Phosphatase from Wheat Germ
The Effect of Incubation Time on the Rate of an Enzyme Catalyzed Reaction
The Effects of Temperature on the Rate of an Enzyme Catalyzed Reaction
The Effects of Enzyme Concentration on the Rate of an Enzyme Catalyzed
The Effects of PH on the Rate of an Enzyme Catalyzed Reaction
The Effects of Substrate Concentration on the Rate of an Enzyme
Catalyzed Reaction
The Inhibition of Acid Phosphatase by Inorganic Phosphate
Book References:
Switzer. R.L.,
Clark. J. M .Jr. (1977) Experimental Biochemistry. (2nd.
Ed.) Freeman and company.
Douglas Crandall
G. (1983) Selected exercises for the Biochemistry Laboratory. Chapter 5,
Oxford University Press, New York.