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Abdelouahab Bentrcia



كلية الهندسة فرع المزاحمية
College of Engineering Al-Muzahmia Branch

introduction/brief CV

Abdelouahab Bentrcia received his Doctor of Science degree in electronics engineering from Batna University in June 2008. He is currently a Professor at the college of applied engineering in Muzahmiah, King Saud University. Prof. Bentrcia published more than 62 journal and conference papers and secured more than 6.9 million Saudi Riyals of research funds since he joined king Saud university in 2009. His research interests include wireless communication, multiuser detection and interference cancellation in CDMA, OCDMA, MIMO and OFDMA systems, cognitive radio and jamming/anti-jamming communication and applications of AI in wireless/optical communication.Abdelouahab Bentrcia received his Doctor of Science degree in electronics engineering from Batna University in June 2008. He is currently a Professor at the college of applied engineering in Muzahmiah, King Saud University. Prof. Bentrcia published more than 62 journal and conference papers and secured more than 6.9 million Saudi Riyals of research funds since he joined king Saud university in 2009. His research interests include wireless communication, multiuser detection and interference cancellation in CDMA, OCDMA, MIMO and OFDMA systems, cognitive radio and jamming/anti-jamming communication and applications of AI in wireless/optical communication.

areas of expertise

Wireless communication, optical communication and signal processing: multi-user detection, interference cancellation, jamming/ant-jamming technologies, cognitive radios and AI applications in communication.

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Information Theory and Coding


Artificial Intelligence (AEE 4510)


Seminar (AGE 4540)