Present Position: 1999-
Department of Economics,
King Saud University,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Previous Position: 1990-1999
Associate Professor,
Department of Economics,
King Saud University,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Economics,
King Saud University,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Department of Economics,
University of Khartoum,
Teaching Assistant,
Department of Economics,
University of Khartoum,
Postal Address: Department of Economics,
College of Administrative Sciences,
P.O. Box 2459,
King Saud University,
Riyadh, 11451.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
2. EDUCATION: Graduate: 1975-1979.
Faculty of Commerce,
University of Birmingham,
Faculty of Economic and Social Studies.
University of Manchester,
Undergraduate: 1968-1973.
Faculty of Economic and Social Studies.
University of Khartoum,
Ph.D. (Econ.),
University of Birmingham,
M.A. (Econ.),
University of Manchester,
B.Sc. (Hons) (Econ),
University of Khartoum,
Title of Ph.D. Thesis:
"Factor Demand, Production and Wage Determination Decisions in a Class of Bilateral Monopoly Structures"
Title of M.A. Dissertation:
"Full Information Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Some Standard Econometric Models".
Applied Econometrics.
Econometric Methods.
Monetary Economics.
Development Economics.
Gulf Cooperation Council Economies.
Quantitative Economics.
Middle East and North African Economies.
Graduate Courses:
Econometric Methods.
Applied Econometrics.
Growth Theory.
Quantitative Economic Research.
Managerial Economics.
Special Topics in Economics.
Advanced Economic Analysis.
Financial Econometrics.
Special Studies
Undergraduate Courses:
Theory of Statistics.
Applied Statistics.
Principles of Economics.
Principles of Microeconomics.
Principles of Macroeconomics.
Microeconomic Analysis (Intermediate).
Macroeconomic Analysis (Intermediate).
Intermediate Macroeconomics.
Money and Banking.
Value and Distribution.
Mathematical Economics.
Other Courses:
Institute of Banking(IOB), Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA) April - May 1999:
Applied Econometrics.
Theory of Econometrics.
The course on Applied Econometrics implied extensive use of the econometric package EVIEWS.
Helped device a course in Applied Statistics, The Customs Department, Ministry of Finance and National Economy, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1997.
Helped device and teach the following two advanced training courses to the Institute of Banking (IOB), Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority(SAMA) April - May 1995:
Applied Econometrics.
Advanced Macroeconomics.
The course on Applied Econometrics implied extensive use of current econometric packages, in particular, TSP and PCGIVE.
Course in Econometric Methods to M.Sc. students at the School of Mathematics, University of Khartoum, 1981-1983.
Course in Statistical Methods to students of the Accounting Institute, Khartoum, 1981-1982.
Middle East Research Forum - Research Fellow.
Saudi Arabian Economic Society.
Recipient of the University Prize for Excellence in Teaching – Departmental level. Department of economics. 2010.
Convenor, Accreditation Committee, Department of Economics, College of Business Administration, King Saud University, 2010 -.
Member, Departmental Committee on the new Ph. D. Curriculum, Department of Economics, King Saud University, 2014 -.
Member, Quality Committee, Department of Economics, King Saud University, 2014 -.
Convenor, Departmental Committee on the new Ph. D. Curriculum, Department of Economics, King Saud University, 2012 - 2014.
Member, Academic Committee, Department of Economics, College of Business Administration, King Saud University, 2010 -.
Member, Editorial Board, Jordanian Journal of Economics, 2013 –
Member, Editorial Board, King Saud of Administrative Sciences, 2004-2007.
Member, Translation Center Board, Translation Center, King Saud University, 2005 – 2008.
Convener, Departmental Committee on the new Master Curriculum, Department of Economics, King Saud University, 2008 -.
Convener, Departmental Committee on the new Bachelor Curriculum, Department of Economics, King Saud University, 2006 -.
Member, Departmental Committee on the new B. SC. Curriculum, 2006-.
Convener, Departmental Committee on the new M. SC. Curriculum, 2006-.
Member, Accreditation Committee, College of Business Administration, King Saud University, 2006-.
Member, Executive Board, Translation center, King Saud University, 2006 -.
Co-Editor, Journal of King Saud University, Administrative Sciences, 1999-2005.
Co-Editor, Saudi Economic Association Research Series, the Saudi Arabian Economic Society, 1995-1997.
Member, College of Administrative Sciences Committee for Reviews of Master’s Dissertations Proposals.
Convener, Departmental Committee on the new Curriculum, Department of Economics, King Saud University, 1997.
Member, Faculty Committee on the new Curriculum, College of Administrative Sciences, King Saud University, 1997.
Member, Departmental Committee for Postgraduate Studies, Department of Economics, King Saud University, 1992-.
Member, Departmental Committee on Curriculum and Books, Department of Economics, King Saud University, 1988 - .
Member and Convener, Departmental Committee on Journals and Referees, Department of Economics, King Saud University, 1987- .
Member, Departmental Board, Department of Economics, King Saud University, 1983- .
Member, Faculty Committee for the Review of Curriculums, Faculty of Economic and Social Studies, University of Khartoum, 1982-1983.
Member, Faculty Board, Faculty of Economic and Social Studies, University of Khartoum, 1983.
Member, Faculty Research Board, Faculty of Economic and Social Studies, University of Khartoum, 1980-1982.
Member, Ministerial Committee for the Review of Income Taxes in Sudan, 1982.
Chief, Examinations Committee, Faculty of Economic and Social Studies, University of Khartoum, 1982.
Member, Examinations Committee, Faculty of Economic and Social Studies, University of Khartoum, 1981.
Member, Committee for the Review of the Status of the English Language in the University of Khartoum, 1980.
Member, Departmental Board, Department of Econometrics, University of Khartoum, 1979-1983.
‘The Determinants of Foreign Worker Remittances in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’, Journal of King Saud University, Administrative Sciences, (2007).
‘Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’ Journal of Administrative Sciences, Kuwait University, May, (2004).
‘Globalization and the Arab Economies’, Co-Authored, Middle East Business Review, London, (2002)
‘Economic Diversification in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’, Proceedings of the Experts Group Meeting, ESCWA, Beirut, (2001).
‘Uncovered Interest Parity and Adjustments in the Money Market. The case of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’ Co-Authored, Journal of King Saud University, Administrative Sciences, (1999).
‘Determinants of Inflation and its Instability: A Case Study of a Less Developed Economy’, Economia Internazionale (1998)459-72.
‘Basic Needs in Islamic Countries’, Journal of King Abdul-Aziz University (1998).
‘Wagner Law in an Oil Rich Economy’ Co-Authored, Studi Economici (Economic Studies) 63,3(1997)141-158.
"Introduction to Econometrics", (Arabic Textbook) King Saud University Press, Riyadh, 1997.
“Macroeconomics: The Intermediate Theory” (Arabic Textbook) Al-Khreiji Publishing, Riyadh, 1997.
‘Translog Cost Functions, Complementarity and Substitutability in the Saudi Arabian Refining Industry’, Co-Authored, Journal of King Saud University, Administrative Sciences, 9,2(1997).
'Error Correction and Adjustment Mechanisms in Money Demand during High Inflation; A Case Study of Sudan', Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economische e Commercali (International Review of Economics and Business) 44,2(1997)431-49.
'The Partisan Theory and Macroeconomic Policy under Unscheduled Regime Transfers, A Case Study of an LDC’, Journal of Economic Studies, 24,4(1997)223-242.
‘Conventional Cost functions in the Saudi Arabian Refining Industry’, Co-Authored, due to Appear, Journal of King Saud University, Administrative Sciences, 102,1(1997).
'The Structure and Performance of the Saudi Business Enterprises', Co-Authored, Journal of King Saud University, Administrative Sciences, (1990). An Updated version of this paper was subsequently republished in J. W. Wright, Jr.(ed.) “Business and Economic Development in Saudi Arabia” MacMillan Press Ltd. London, (1996).
'Causality and Lag Structure between Black Market Foreign Exchange Rates and Consumer Prices, A case study of Sudan', Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economische e Commercali (International Review of Economics and Business) 41,5(1994)421-447.
'Optimality of Restricted Joint Contracts', Studi Economici(Economic Studies) 53,2(1994)41-55.
'Scale and Learning Effects in the Cost Structure of the Cement Industry of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia', Co-Authored, Journal of King Saud University, Administrative Sciences, 6,1(1994)21-41.
'A Trade Link Model between Sudan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1960-1982', Co-Authored, Journal of King Saud University, Administrative Sciences, (1992).
'A Small Nonlinear Econometric Model of the Sudanese Economy', Middle East Business and Economic Review, 1,2(1989)19-26.
'Optimality and Production Efficiency of Some Cropsharing Systems', Journal of Economic Studies, 15,1(1988)53-70.
'The Demand for Money in the Economy of Saudi Arabia', Co-Authored, Indian Economic Journal, 38(1), pp. 89–102.
'The Effect of Growth in Oil Exports on the Saudi Arabian Economy, 1970-1982' Co- Authored, Asian Economic Review 27,3(1985)1-25.
'Determinants of Aggregate Expenditures of the Member States of the Gulf Cooperation Council', Co-Authored, Asian Economic Review, 27,1(1985)14-31.
'An Econometric Study of the Effect of Growth in Oil Exports on the Saudi Arabian Economy, 1970-1982', Co-Authored, Research Center, College of Administrative Sciences, King Saud University, (1984). An abridged version of the above paper was subsequently published as:
'The Growth of the Economies of the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries, 1970-1982', Co-Authored, Journal of the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies, 43(1984)113-40.
“Foreign Workers’ Remittances from the GCC Countries: The Economic Impacts on Worker Sending Countries; 1980 - 2012”. Secretariat General, GCC, Riyadh; 2014.
Member of the Research team on “Forecasting Inflation in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries”. Study commissioned by King Saud University, Riyadh; 2011 - 2012.
Member of the Research team on “The Economic and Social Impacts of the International Economic Crisis on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”. Study commissioned by King Saud University, Riyadh; 2010.
Member of the Research team on “The Inflation Crisis in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Causes and Solutions”. Study commissioned by the King Abdullah Research and Consulting Institute, King Saud University, Riyadh; 2009.
Member of the Research team on the “Model for Regional Integration of the Economies of the GCC countries” in association with the Netherlands Economic Institute (NEI). Study commissioned by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) General Secretariat, Riyadh; 1996- .
Member of the Research team on “The Role of the Islamic Development Bank in Promoting the Private Sectors of the GCC countries". A Study commissioned by The Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah; 1998 - 1999 .
Member of the Research team on “The Current Status of Science and Technology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”. A Study commissioned by King Abdul-Aziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Riyadh; 1997 - .
Member of the Research team on “A Futuristic Outlook for the Saudi Arabian Economy”. A Study commissioned by the Ministry of Planning, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia1997.
Contributor on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, “The Annual Report on the Climate of Investment in the Arab World”.The Inter Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation. , Kuwait; 1996, 1997, 1998.
Member of the Research team on “The Common External Tariff of the GCC Customs Union: Economic Effects of Different Levels of Common External Tariffs” Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) General Secretariat, Riyadh; 2003.
Member of the Research team on “The Non-Tariff Barriers & Economic Effects of Trade Liberalization” Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) General Secretariat, Riyadh; 2004.
Member of the Research team on “The GCC Government Revenue Structures” Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) General Secretariat, Riyadh; 2006.
Member of the Research team on The Workers’ Remittances in the GCC States: Determinants and Simulation Studies” Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) General Secretariat, Riyadh; 2005.
Member of the Research team on “The GCC regional Integration Model: Modelling Methods and Model Structure” Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) General Secretariat, Riyadh; 2007.
'The use of Model Building Procedures for Integrated Macroeconomic Policy Planning between the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries', joint paper, read to the Conference on Integrated Macroeconomic Policy Planning between the GCC Countries, Dubai, 1987.
'Determination of the Optimal Area for Vegetable Farms in the State of Kuwait', joint study published by the Arab Food and Agriculture Organization, The Arab League, Khartoum, 1983.
'An Evaluation of the Performance of the Sudanese Income Tax System, 1960-1981', Paper submitted to the Ministerial Commission on Income Taxes, 1982. Parts of the paper were subsequently published in the commission's report.
‘Political Regime structures, Macroeconomic Policy Outcomes and Instruments’ Use in the MENA region’ Research report 0405, Economic research Forum – GDN regional Research Competition; Cairo, (2006).
Best Teaching Award, Department of Economics, King Saud University, 2010.
Conference on ‘Participation and Development’ arranged by the Mediterranean Development Forum, Marrakech, Morocco, 1998.
The Fifth Annual Conference of the Economic Research Forum on ‘Regional Trade, Finance and Labor Markets’, Tunis, Tunisia, 1998.
The Annual Meeting of the Inter Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation. Cairo, 1997.
Economic Research Forum Fourth Annual Meeting; Beirut, Lebanon, September, 1997.
Conference on ‘Prototype Modeling for the Arab World’ arranged by the Arab Planning Institute(API), Kuwait held in Cairo, Egypt, 20-24 May 1996. Discussant.
International Economic Association, Eleventh World Congress, Tunis, Tunisia, 18-22 December, 1995.
Initiative for Economic Research in North Africa and the Middle East, Cairo, 1993.
Conference on ‘Integrated Macroeconomic Planning for the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries’, Dubai, 1987. Joint paper read on the conference.
Conference on ‘The Integration of the Economies of Gulf Cooperation Council Countries’, Riyadh, January 1984. Discussant.
Conference on ‘The Economics of the Socialist and Less Developed Countries’, Berlin, June 1980.
Part-time Consultant, The Supreme Economic Council, General Secretariat, Riyadh; 2014 -
Part-time Consultant, Research Unit, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) General Secretariat, Riyadh.
Part-time Consultant, Supreme Commission for Tourism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh.
General (The Microsoft Office suite):
Word-processing: Microsoft WORD (Both Arabic and English Languages).