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د. عبدالله بن محمد الصغيّر | Dr. Abdullah Alsoghier، BDS MSc(OM) PhD(Clin) DipOM AFAAOM AFHEA

Associate Professor

Chairman, Department of Oral Medicine & Diagnostic Sciences | رئيس قسم طب الفم وعلوم التشخيص

كلية طب الأسنان
كلية طب الأسنان/قسم طب الفم وعلوم التشخيص

DDS 341

This course is aimed for the improvement of the clinical skills of the 'students in taking dental and medical history and performing a thorough clinical examination of the oral and paraoral structures.

 The didactic part is offered with the primary emphasis on diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases involving the mouth and the paraoral region. The course extends over a period of 15 weeks with one lecture of one hour duration and one clinical session of 3 hour duration every week.

After completion of this course, the dental student should:

1.Know how to establish a record for a dental patient and to differentiate
between different types of records used in the College.

2.Know and be able to behave in a professional way in the clinic.

3.Understand the appropriate way of patient handling in the dental clinic.

4.Apply previous information from course Oral Diagnosis I regarding taking history, examination, and the vital signs treatment planning.

5.Be able to analyze the information obtained and to predict its significance.

6.Be able to record and understand their significance.

7.The student should be able to recognize lesions and to differentiate normal from abnormal structures and tissues.

8.Be able to perform and record general dental and periodontal charting.

9.Be able to conform a list of the dental problems diagnosed in the patient.

10.Be able to provisionally diagnose oral non-dental diseases.

11.Know how to refer a dental patient for dental or medical consultation.

12.Know how to request the appropriate laboratory or radiographic investigations.

13.Be able to interpret the results of laboratory or radiographic investigations.


Recommended Readings: 

1.             Clinical Outline of Oral Pathology: Diagnosis and Treatment :

L.R. Eversole (textbook),

Third edition,

Lea & Febiger, USA.


2.            Principles of Oral Diagnosis: Gary C. Coleman

          John F. Nelson

         1st Ed (1993)

3.            Differential Diagnosis of Oral Lesions by Wood and Goaz, (reference book).

      C. V. Mosby Company,

      Fourth edition.



course attachements