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عبد الرحمن جاسر صالح الشعلاني/ Abdulrahman J. Alshalani

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
CAMS office#2298

CLS 544: Specialized Medical Hematology II

This course will cover the basic molecular abnormalities of inheritance and the normal and abnormal structures and functions of variant haemoglobins specifically sickle cell diseases, thalassaemia, and other haemoglobinopathies. Abnormalities of red cell enzymes, specifically G6PD enzyme and pyruvate kinase enzyme deficiencies will be highlighted. Mention will be made of Hexokinases and Glutathione reductase enzymes. Emphasis will also be laid on diagnostic criteria including the basic haematological diagnosis and more specific and more modern diagnostic tests including Haemoglobin Electrophoresis, Haemoglobin peptide digestion and chain analysis, Haplotype determination, and enzyme electrophoresis and assay.

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