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د. أريج العقيلي | Dr. Areej Alokaili

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor | Information Systems Department

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
College of Computer and Information Sciences, 6T73

IS201 – Fundamentals and Ethics of Information Systems

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of information systems and to ethical issues related to information systems as a discipline and profession. Topics covered include: definition of information systems, hardware and software, the binary system, telecommunications and networks, concepts of information, database approach to data management, systems development, specialized information systems, moral, legal and social issues in the cyberspace, professional conduct, personal, local and global impacts of computers, and IS professionals’ need for continuous professional development.

After completing this course, the students will be able to:

  1. Identify and describe the components of an information system
  2. Identify and describe the functions of computer devices
  3. Convert a number from and to the binary system
  4. Identify major advantages of the database approach
  5. Identify major ethical issues related to information systems
  6. Analyze the local and global impact of computing
  7. Recognize the need for continuous professional development
  8. Understand social issues and responsibilities related to information systems
  9. Understand major legal issues of computing
course attachements