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اروى عبدالعزيز ابراهيم النغيمشي


معيد، علاج طبيعي

كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
Building 11 Floor 3 office 165

327 RHS

Course Description:
The course provides students with foundational knowledge in use of
different aquatic rehabilitation modalities, and how to clarify indication,
contraindication, precautions and its physiological effect.
Course objectives:
Upon complication of this course, students will be able to:
 Demonstrate an understanding of basic principles in
hydrotherapy applications.
 Demonstrate an understanding of physiological effect of
different modalities.
 Be familiar with hydrotherapy modalities and its application.
 Adopt a critical appraisal perspective toward the use of
hydrotherapy with different kinds of medical problems.
 Be familiar with the roles and responsibilities of physical
therapist in applying of hydrotherapy modalities.

course attachements