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د. أنس مفرح المغيري

Associate Professor

أستاذ مشارك في حوكمة وتخطيط المدن الكبرى

كلية العمارة والتخطيط
مبنى ٣٢ - الدور الثاني - مكتب رقم ٢٠١٢

A Comparison of National and Alberta Environmental Impact Assessment Legislations

Amughairy, Anas . 2009

Unlike most work in academics, this report is strongly based upon another's work. The rational is that this is a professional report and a valuable learning tool and resource for a future professional in Planning. Thus, this author would like to formally recognize and credit YESA for the format, and questions in this report - including the written structure of this introduction. The author would also like to acknowledge the assistance of the course professor in providing a digital copy of the YESA Indonesian report that has made the use of it as a template efficiently possible. The legislated process in Alberta has several positive aspects. It is a streamlined process that is harmonized with the Federal Government legislation. Albert's EA legislation is embedded in its Environmental Protection Act, and as such has greater significance and scope than if it were stand alone legislation. It gives special consideration to any project involving water. As water is a scare resource in the parts of Alberta with long-grass prairie, occurs in sensitive areas in the mountains, and is in high demand in the north of Alberta (mostly for Oil Sands petrochemical extraction), the recognition of water as necessitating special attention is a prudent one. The focus on Alberta's EA process being initiated and guided by the Director of the Environment Ministry is both a positive and negative aspect of Alberta's EA legislation. It is positive in that any project in the province has the potential of being subject to the EA process, even if it is on the Exclusions list (though this is unlikely, it is possible). It is a negative aspect, as it leaves a significant area of ambiguity in the EA process and opens 

Publication Work Type
Research Paper
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Thesis Type
Research Paper
University of Guelph
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