224 دوى
كيمياء حيوية 2
Course Title:
224 PHL (Biochemistry)
Course Contents:
1- Measurement of blood glucose level
2- Measurement of Plasma Proteins level
3- Blood analysis including estimation of Hemoglobin and Bilirubin levels
4- Measurement of Lipids
5- Estimation of Lactate Dehydrogenase, ALT and AST activities
6- Estimation of Phosphatases (Acid & Alkaline) activities
7- Estimation of Creatine Kinase and Amylase activities
8- Urine analysis
Reference Book:
Thomas Devlin, John Wily., latest edition
Fundamentals of clinical chemistry
N.M. Teitz., W.B.Saunders.co, USA, latest edition
Grade Distribution: (Total mark = 20)
Mid term exam 6
Final exam 6
Quiz 4
Reports 2
Pop quiz 1
Assignment 1
Total 20