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عبدالمحسن محمد سليمان اللزام

Assistant Professor

استشاري جراحة تجميل

كلية الطب
مستشفى الملك خالد الجامعي - قسم الجراحة - الطابق الثالث

351 - Surg

Medical students will be exptected to aquire the following: 1.Perform, record, present, and discuss in detail skills of historytaking of common surgical diseases.2. Demonstrate knowledge of the symptoms and signs of commonsurgical diseases.3. Demonstrate appropriate skills to conduct comprehensiveclinical examination of surgical patients. 4.Demonstrate the appropriate ways to identify physical signs ofcommon surgical diseases. 5.Formulate a reasonable differential diagnosis of surgicalproblems. 6.Adopt self learning techniques in particular with the use of theteaching laboratory aids

course attachements